Page 114 of Broken Prince
“About time. It’s crazy that he took this long,” Rachel sighs.
“I know, but that’s okay. Bentley is still young. He won’t even remember a time when Logan and I weren’t together.”
“Do you think you will get married?” another girl asks.
“If he knows what is best for him, he better marry me.” Stacy laughs, and I shiver. She sounds like a fucking witch cackling.
“Come on.” Winter grabs my hand and yanks me towards the crosswalk. When we’re out of earshot, she lets out a frustrated huff. “That woman has way too many screws loose!”
“Like Logan would ever marry her.” I laugh, but there's this feeling in the pit of my stomach at just the idea of it.
“The only way that would happen is if she puts a gun to his head. Even then, I think he’d rather her pull the trigger,” Winter grumbles.
I look at my friend in surprise. “Damn, Winter, that's dark.
“Too far?” she asks with wide eyes.
“Nah,” I laugh.
When we get back to the hotel, Justin is waiting in the hotel lobby.
“My wife!” He jumps up from the chair and races across the room. I laugh as he scoops me up in his arms and spins me around. “I’ve missed you, my fair maiden.”
I roll my eyes with a smile. “You saw me yesterday.”
“Yes, and it’s been far too long.” He looks over my shoulder. “Well, hello there.” He grins.
“You haven’t officially met, have you?” I ask, looking between my two friends.
“Nope.” Winter smiles. She holds out her hand, bright and bubbly. “Hi, I’m Winter. Nice to meet you.”
“Winter,” Justin purrs, taking her hand and lifting it to place a kiss on the back. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
I try not to laugh, but Winter does. “Ah, moves like a creepy dude from a nineties movie. How charming.”
Justin laughs. “It’s a talent for sure.”
“I like him,” Winter tells me.
“Me too.” I laugh, and Justin beams.
“Ladies, ladies. No need to fight over me. There’s plenty to go around.” He looks at Winter and whispers. “Later, me and you. My wife doesn’t have to know.”
“Girls, Justin. She’s into girls.” I sigh.
“Right. Right.” He winks at Winter, and she just laughs.
“Come on, you big dummy. We’re going to go upstairs and watch cheesy movies and make fun of them while we stuff our faces with popcorn,” I tell him, looping my arm through his.
“Sounds like my kind of night,” he replies.
The next morning, I’m with the football team, and I can feel Logan’s eyes on me the whole time. It’s hard not to let myself search for him.
I should be trying to let my feelings go. To move on with Kai because being with Logan isn’t something I can do anytime soon, if ever. Even with Stacy being out of the way, it doesn’t change that we’re a family now. And although it’s a risk we might be willing to take, I’m still scared of how it will affect our parents. How will they react?
A few hours later, it’s game time. The fans are wild on both sides. It’s so loud and crowded; I’m glad I’m not in the stands tonight.