Page 116 of Broken Prince
“Is that Logan?”
Justin gets up and answers the door. “Hey,” he answers.
“I know I said I was going to go to sleep, but I don’t want to be alone with my own thoughts. Want to go get a drink?”
Butterflies dance in my belly at his voice.
Justin looks back at me, not sure what to do.
“You have people in there? Shit, man, if you’re hooking up with a girl, I’ll just go.”
“No girls are getting hooked up with in here,” Winter shouts. “I don’t like dick!”
“Oh, come on.” Justin pouts. “Why do you gotta rub my face in it like that?”
Winter giggles, and Logan steps into the room his eyes locking on me.
“Hi.” I wave awkwardly.
“Hi.” He blinks, a pained look taking over his face. “Sorry, I’ll leave you be.”
“Wait,” Justin calls after him, and I feel like shit.
Winter gives me a worried look.
Justin comes back, looking sad. “I feel bad.”
“Why don’t you go hang out with him. Winter and I will be fine doing our own thing. He could use a friend.”
“Are you sure?”
“We had you last night. Go on.”
“You're the best wifey for lifey!” He hugs me.
Justin takes off to Logan’s room while Winter and I head down to the bar.
It’s pretty packed, most of the team getting a head start on getting trashed. Winter buys me a drink, but no one notices. We sit at the bar, and Winter ends up in a long conversation with the bartender. It’s pretty sweet to see her get all flustered over the older woman. She’s smiling at her like she finds her cute.
I’m about five drinks in when I feel trashed. “I’m going to pee,” I slur.
“Okay!” Winter says. “You want me to come with?”
“Nah. You keep doing you.” I wave her off before getting up and weaving my way through the crowd.
I frown when I see the line is way too long.
“Nope.” I shake my head. I’m going to piss my pants if I have to wait in this line. Would be faster to head back up to my room.
Turning around, I head towards the exit. As I round the corner, I bump into someone.
“Sorry.” I giggle, looking up to see Logan. “Oh, it’s you. What are you doing here?” I frown.
“Going to get a drink.”
“Where’s Justin?” I ask, looking around.