Page 127 of Broken Prince
“How do you not hate me?” I ask.
He pulls back with a frown. “How on earth could you think I hate you?”
“I’ve ghosted you for a month, Kai. I’ve stopped running with you, I ignored your calls and texts. Hell, I’ve skipped out on classes.”
“I know,” he says softly. “And it’s been eating at me. Not because you're avoiding me but because I know you’re going through something, and I just want to be there for you. To help in any way that I can. I wasn’t going to let you run for much longer, Sweetheart. I was giving you time to come to me. But if you didn’t, I would have come for you.”
“Kai.” My eyes water as my voice breaks. This man... this man is one I don’t deserve. He’s so sweet, kind, and understanding. Any other guy would have been pissed, moved on by now. But not him.
“Shh,” he soothes. “Everything will be okay.”
“You don’t know that.” My heart aches as he wipes my tears away. “There’s still so much you don’t know. The reason why I’ve been avoiding you, for starters.”
“Whatever it is, I’m sure we can work through it.”
“What the fuck is this?” Owen’s voice has my head snapping to the side. Logan, Elijah, and Owen storm over to us. “You know him?” he asks me when they stop a few feet away.
“I can explain,” I say in a rush.
“Please, for the love of god, Delaney, don’t tell me this is the guy you’ve been seeing,” Logan growls, looking just as furious as Owen.
My stomach turns as more tears fill my eyes. I bite my lip, my throat clogging with emotion. I don’t know what to say.
“He is, isn’t he!” Owen’s nostrils flair. “I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“Would you chill the hell out?” Kai barks. “Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but dial down the protective big brother bit.”
Well, this just got more awkward.
Owen laughs, but it’s not a nice one. “Oh, trust me, Mal, the things we feel for Laney are anything but brotherly.”
Kai’s brows jump, his eyes turning to mine. “What does he mean?”
“You going to tell him, Laney? You going to tell him how just a month ago, you were grinding that sweet little pussy against my cock. How you got down on your knees and swallowed me down. Or how about how Logan’s cock was buried deep inside that tight little cunt?”
“Stop,” Kai seethes, getting into Owen’s face. “You will stop it right fucking now.”
“Why? Don’t like the fact that she’s had us first? Or that she’s been with us while she’s been with you?”
“No. It’s because I don’t fucking want to hear you talk about Delaney like that. Do not try and make her feel bad.”
“She cheated on you!” Owen shouts.
“No. She didn’t. We were not together, not officially. And while I’ve known for a while that I wanted her to be mine, I was giving her time to come to terms with her feelings. Clearly, she’s been dealing with a lot. And I’m going to assume a lot of that is what she feels for the three of you. I can only imagine just how fucking hard it’s been on her. If you do not stop trying to make Delaney feel bad, I will do it for you,” Kai snarls, getting so close to Owen’s face that they're only a breath away.
“So that's it?” Logan asks. “You're done with us because you're with him now?”
“No,” my voice cracks. “I don’t know.” I start to cry, feeling so broken, so lost. “I like you all. I tried not to, but no matter what I do, I can’t get any of you out of my head! I tried to move on, and yes, with Kai, but clearly, that failed. And no, it’s not because I didn’t want to like you three; it’s because life would be so much easier if I didn’t.”
“What do we do now?” Elijah speaks up, his voice soft. When I look at him, he doesn’t look pissed, he looks sad, and it breaks my heart all over again.
“That’s up to Delaney,” Kai says, turning to me. “Whatever you want, Sweetheart, I’ll support you.”
“Even if it’s them as well as you?” I know Owen said that if I was to be with one of them, I’d have to be with all of them. I know that doesn’t extend to Kai, but if they’re willing to share with each other, would they be willing to share with one more?
Kai turns to look at the guys, his jaw ticking as he swallows hard before looking back at me. “I’m not going anywhere, Sweetheart, not unless you want me to. If that means sharing you with my cousins, then so be it. I just need you, that’s all.”
“No,” Owen growls. “I’ll share with my brothers, but not you.”