Page 131 of Broken Prince
I’m not sure how long this will last or what life is going to throw at me, but I need to take this as a win. To enjoy it while I can.
“Anyone want to tell us what the hell just happened?” Justin asks.
“I think she forgot we were here,” Winter pouts.
My eyes widen as I gape at them. And then I burst out into hysterical laughter. “I’m so sorry.” I do feel bad, but I didn’t get a chance to see them before everything spiraled.
“I feel the love,” Winter sighs.
“You owe us the tea.” Justin narrows his eyes.
“Later, man,” Logan tells him. “For now, we eat.”
Chapter 28
Things have been surprisingly good since the whole Thanksgiving blow-up. However, life has been insanely busy while studying for exams. I can’t believe it’s already December.
With me missing so much of World History, I joined a study group to help myself catch up. Kai offered to pass me, but I turned that down right away. I will not allow him to give me any special treatment just because we’re dating. I want to earn my grade, not have it given to me.
I’ve also gotten to see more of the guys, but only because we all formed our own study group. We meet up at Justin’s dorm room pretty much every night to study for a few hours. That’s when the guys aren't at ball practice or a game.
Logan mentioned he was struggling with his grades, and Justin suggested this group. I’ve been a little iffy because of Stacy, but us being at Justin’s dorm helps a lot because Logan and him are best friends, so it wouldn’t be weird if he was seen there.
Study time’s been filled with nothing but intense sexual energy, stolen glances, and butterflies in my belly.
Winter loves to point out when one of us is staring too long and makes gagging noises; all we do is smile and look away.
We haven't been able to really move forward because our main focus has been studying for exams and then taking the actual exams.
“We’re free!” Winter shouts as we step out of the lecture hall, just finishing our last exam for the semester. “We need to celebrate.”
“I agree.” I’m beyond tired, but all the hard parts are behind us. At least until next semester. “I think my eyes are going to fall out if I have to read one more word. And that's a shame because I like reading. Just not stupid textbooks.”
“How do you think you did?” Winter asks.
“Okay, for the most part, I think. I’m not too happy with World History, but I have no one to blame for that but myself.”
It was stupid of me to miss so many classes because I was too afraid to face everything. And all for no reason because Kai ended up being a fucking godsend about the whole thing. He reacted so well, it fucking melted my heart.
Owen has me worried, and his words did sting a little, but I couldn’t blame him. He was hurt, and I was the one who did it. I hated myself for that, for hurting all of them.
I started my morning runs with Kai again. This time, at places with less people so he can pull me into dark corners and kiss me until I’m a puddle in his arms.
We haven’t had sex again, and I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty sad about it. But he said he wanted to wait until I wasn’t so stressed and life calmed down a bit. That we had the rest of our lives, and he wasn’t in a rush.
I swear this man isn’t real. He’s too damn perfect.
He’s the whole package. Smart, caring, mature. And it doesn't hurt he looks like a damn viking god.
“Girl, I thought my life was complicated.” She smiles over at me. “I mean, it is. My parents hate each other and fight so much that I end up pretty much living at Elijah’s place, but you know. What can a girl do?”
“Winter.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder.
“Nope. No pity for me. How about we go out tonight, get all dressed up, and go to a party?”
“I don’t know.” I think back to that last party. “I don’t make the best choices when I drink.”