Page 40 of Broken Prince
I decided to take the card James gave me and get myself a few new things. What I already own isn’t going to cut it in this town.
“I know. Everything here is crazy expensive. That's Rose Briar Hill for you. There are some shops on the other side of town that are a lot cheaper, but I avoid that side if I can.”
I remember what Logan told me about Stacy’s dad. If he runs that part, I wouldn’t want to go there either.
“James got me a black card,” I tell her. “But I don’t feel right spending a crazy amount on it. I just want a few cute outfits, you know? Something to go out in.”
“Where are you planning on going?” she asks me.
“Not sure. I’d love to go dancing. Any good places in town?”
“A few.” She nods. “At least that's what I’ve heard; I don’t go dancing.”
“We should sometime,” I urge her.
“I’d love that.” She smiles.
“What about this weekend? Celebrate before we head back to school next week?”
“I wish.” She sighs. “I’m going away with my parents for the weekend. A little trip before my dad is away on business for a few months.”
“Well, we’ll have lots of time to go out after,” I tell her.
She smiles, and we start to look at the dresses. When nothing catches my eye enough to make me want to dish out that much money, we head to the next store.
Finally, we find this little boutique that has really cute dresses in the style I like. It’s still pricey but nowhere near the amount of the other stores. I find a cute emerald dress, a black one, and a blouse and skirt combo.
When we’re done, we grab a bite to eat, and Winter tells me all kinds of stories about growing up with Elijah. At first, the stories of them as young kids were fun and silly. As he got older, they seem to be more... tame?
The more she talks about him, the more I wonder who was the Elijah I met that night at the resort. Yes, he was sweet and kind like he is now, but he was also a little more... bright? Like there was a shine in his eyes and a smile that made your heart skip a beat.
When I look at him now, I don’t see that, and it hurts my heart. What changed?
“Thanks for coming out with me today,” I say when we get back to the house. “I really have been needing a friend.”
“I had fun.” She smiles. “And I’m here any time you wanna talk. About anything. Really. I know I might be a chatterbox, but I can be a good listener, too. And about what you told me about your best friend and ex, fuck them. You're too good for them. You're better off without them.”
That makes me smile. I give her a light laugh. “I believe that. It’s been an adjustment, but I think change can be a good thing.”
“Me too.”
Winter heads home, and I go into the house. No one seems to be here, so I drop my things off in my room and head out for a swim.
It’s the weekend before school starts, and I need to get out of the house to let off some of this built-up tension.
Between the looks the guys keep giving me when no one else is watching and the fact that I’m still having sex dreams about them, it’s slowly turning me into a mad, horny woman.
So, against my better judgment, I’m going to give this one-night stand thing another go.
The whole to get over one person, get under another thing worked with Kyle, so I bet it can work with these three.
That's what I need. Fun, carefree sex with a stranger. It will be the new fuel to my dirty thoughts and replace the old ones.
Just to be sure, I asked Winter if James had any more sons out there I didn’t know about. Thankfully, he doesn’t.
What's the worst thing that could happen? I sleep with someone I end up going to school with? The campus is big enough to avoid them if needed. And it’s college, sex and parties are a big part of that.