Page 62 of Broken Prince
She bites her lip like she wants to say something more. But she doesn’t. Turning on her heel, she heads back into the house.
I stay outside for who knows how long, afraid that if I go in right now, I’d go to her and tell her all the things I’ve been keeping to myself.
I have to keep reminding myself she’s not mine, and I can’t have her.
Even though everything inside screams for her.
Justin’s right. I really am fucked.
Chapter 13
“Are you sure you're going to be okay?” Winter asks as we walk towards the main building.
It’s my third day of classes, and apart from the bullshit with Stacy, it’s been good. My professors seem nice, the classes look like they’re going to be interesting, and I’ve even made a few acquaintances.
While I can easily point out the students who grew up in this town versus people attending from out of state, for the most part, it seems like any other university. And for that, I’m glad.
“I’m going to be fine,” I tell her, wrapping my arm around hers and giving it a squeeze. The poor girl seems to be taking the whole Stacy thing harder than I am. Maybe it’s because she knows first-hand how horrible of a person that girl can be.
Either way, I’m not going to let her send me running with my tail tucked between my legs.
It’s not who I am. What I really want to do is knock the girl on her ass, but if Logan is right, and her dad really isn’t a good guy, I don’t want to risk having someone that powerful put a target on me.
The way the guys talk about this town, it’s like the outside world doesn’t exist and that rules and laws here aren’t the same for them.
Money makes their little world go round, and I don’t have any to keep it spinning.
From what I can tell, Stacy is a vindictive bitch, and if I were to retaliate, she would do the same. Most likely in the form of using Benny to hurt Logan, and I can’t be the reason for that.
That little boy is Logan’s whole world. He would be devastated if he wasn’t able to see Benny like he does currently.
I hate her. I hate her father. I wish she would fuck off and do the right thing by her son. And that's giving him to his father.
Hearing Logan talk about her and the things she does makes me pissed off on his behalf.
The past two days with Benny have been a lot of fun. He’s a good baby, and apart from the fussiness of the other day, he’s been nothing but giggles and smiles. Mom helps when she can, but honestly, I don’t mind taking the lead.
I haven’t seen much of Owen or Elijah, but I’m guessing with hockey practice starting up for Owen and—per Winter—the insane workload that Elijah’s taken on for school, they’ve both got a pretty busy schedule.
Honestly, I’m kind of glad. Some time away from them, as much as I can get, will help.
However, helping out with Benny has put me in a position to be around Logan more than I’d prefer.
Because the fact is, I do like being around him. And I hate it.
But I can’t un-see the way he looked so overwhelmed the other day. He’s a single dad with a baby mama from hell. He has so many things going on in his life that he must feel like he’s drowning.
He’s an amazing dad; Benny is one lucky little boy. So if me helping him a few hours a week can take some of that stress off his plate, I’m more than happy to help.
Not like I have a lot going on in my life. The only person I know here is Winter. And, well, now Justin. That man sure does keep me on my toes. Half the time, I’m not sure if he’s actually flirting with me or just joking.
Doesn’t matter because even though he’s fine on the eyes, he’s not my type.
Okay, he’s totally my type, but I’d never go there because he’s Logan’s best friend, and I don’t cross those lines.
Doesn’t matter if Logan and I were never officially a thing, it still wouldn’t happen. Too messy and I try to stay away from messy.