Page 72 of Broken Prince
“So, how are we doing this?” I ask.
Elijah’s eyes snap up to mine. “What do you mean?” he asks in a panicked voice.
“The sleeping.” I laugh. Oh, this sweet boy. “Who’s sleeping where in the bed?”
“You can sleep in the middle,” Logan says. “I love my brother, but I don't need him cuddling up to me in his sleep.”
“Oh, so you're a cuddler.” I grin over to Elijah.
“So he says.” Elijah rolls his eyes.
I crawl onto the bed, and Logan joins us.
“Is this weird?” Elijah asks as we kind of just sit there for a moment.
“Doesn’t have to be,” Logan mutters.
“Yeah, no. It’s not like I’m sleeping between two men I slept with, who are brothers and happen to be my stepbrothers. Nah, not weird at all.” I let out a groan, leaning back against the pillow.
“You're making it weird, Laney,” Logan accuses.
“Well, what do you want me to do?” I huff. “Owen says that there's no point pretending it didn’t happen. And the fact I know that both of you feel something for me because you’ve admitted to me.... makes this weird, okay. Not uncomfortable, but weird.” I look between the two of them. “That is unless you no longer feel that way about me.”
They both look away and towards the TV, not answering me.
Knowing they're still not over their little crushes on me shouldn’t make me happy, because we are trying to move on. But it does.
Chapter 15
I’ve been awake for about an hour now, not daring to move. Delaney is sleeping next to me, her head on my chest, arm wrapped around my stomach, and her leg is dangerously close to the hard-on I’m sporting.
When I woke up, I found her clinging to me in her sleep. She looked so peaceful, so I didn’t want to move her, and I enjoy having her this close, touching me like this.
I’ve been going out of my mind with want for this girl, driving myself crazy with the need to be around her, just to catch a glimpse of her smile or a whiff of her scent.
Winter loves to tease me about how far gone I am for Delaney.
It’s not funny, though, I’m honestly getting a little concerned about it. She’s all I think about throughout the day. The only time I’m not thinking about her is in class. I’m glad she’s not in any of mine, or I’d fail. I wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything but her.
Maybe this is becoming a little unhealthy, but the fact is, she’s the only thing keeping me from drifting back into that little dark corner of my mind.
I don’t want to go back there, not when I’ve seen brightness and lived better.
My work and school schedule clashes with hers, so I haven’t had much time to spend with her.
That’s why when Logan mentioned she was coming with him to his first game of the season, an away game, I jumped on the chance to come too.
It’s not that I don’t like football, it’s just not my preferred sport. I’m baseball all the way. My brothers are the same; they don’t mind other sports but would rather watch the ones they play.
Sleeping in the same bed as her is sweet torture. Would it be weird of me to admit I may have stayed up a little while last night watching her sleep?
She passed out towards the end of the movie we were watching, curled up onto her side, her hands tucked under her pillow. She looked like a damn angel.
After Logan got up to feed and change Benny, he went to bed, leaving me to lay there and watch her.
I’m not sure when I managed to drift off to sleep, but my dreams were filled with her, as they always are.