Page 79 of Broken Prince
“Holy shit, this place is packed,” I say, trying to push the stroller through the crowd.
“Oh, yeah.” Elijah laughs. “Rose Briar Hill takes their sports seriously. Mostly because everyone on a team is trying for the big leagues.”
It’s nighttime now, the game starts in less than an hour. I’ve been to football games before, but high school ones that I’ve been to are nothing like this.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think this was an NFL game.”
“It’s pretty close.”
We managed to get into the stadium and find a place to sit. Benny is out cold, wrapped up in a blanket.
“Logan said he worked it out so we have a place to sit in the easy access area.”
I follow Elijah through the crowd as he leads us over to the elevator. One of the security guards punches in a code and lets us up.
“Fancy.” I laugh as we step out of the elevator. My eyes go wide when I finally see the whole field.
“Logan wanted to make sure Benny is comfortable. This way, it’s less crowded, and if you need to take him out, he’s not at risk of getting hit by an unruly fan.”
We take a seat and wait. Passing the time, Elijah and I talk about this anime show he’s watching. It’s about a girl who lives in a house with guys who shift into different zodiac animals. Sounds interesting.
“I’ve watched some anime before. Not much, but the Ouran High Host Club was good,” I tell him.
He grins. “Did you know that Kingston Academy, a prep school a few towns over has a host club?”
My eyes widen. “What? Really? No way.”
He nods. “I have a few friends who go to that school. Although, it’s changed a lot over the past few years. He said once the leaders of the club all fell for the same girl and quit, they made some changes on their way out.”
“Huh.” I look away to see the cheerleaders making their way onto the field. “All with the same girl.”
When my eyes land on Stacy, my gut twists. She gives the crowd a big smile as they cheer for her, getting into position.
I hate to admit it, but she’s good. Her moves are flawless, quick, and precise. The way she works the crowd, she knows what she’s doing.
To them, she gives off this friendly vibe. But little do they know, she’s just a raging bitch who loves to use her son as a pawn. I fucking hate her.
Looking down at Benny, the anger slips away as he beams up at me. “Hi, baby boy,” I coo. “Are you excited to see your daddy play?” Benny lets out this happy shrill that has his uncle and I laughing.
Ignoring the cheerleading, I continue to talk to Elijah. Then the crowd roars again, getting my attention. That's when I see the team running out.
A rush of anticipation fills me as I search for Logan. When I find him, my belly swoops for a whole different reason.
He looks good, his black hair messy, his helmet tucked under his arm. There’s a smile on his tempting lips that makes me bite mine.
“You think Benny is going to last?” Elijah asks, leaning in to be heard over the noise around us.
“If not, I can take him back to the hotel,” I answer back.
“And have you miss all this amazingness? Who will enjoy the sexy football players tossing each other around on the field?” he jokes.
I toss my head back and laugh. “I’m sure all these ladies here will be more than happy to enjoy them for me.”
Looking back out to the field, my eyes go straight to Logan again.
When he gets to the bench, I watch as Stacy approaches him. The moment she places her hand on his arm, I feel sick. And when he doesn’t push it off, it gets worse.
My heart pounds in my chest, the sick feeling in my belly growing.