Page 97 of Broken Prince
No. I can’t use Kai like that.
But I also can’t stand the idea of going out and finding someone else to be with. Not when I know I’d never be able to really feel anything for them. At least not anytime soon, while I’d have a mountain of unresolved bullshit going on in my life.
Would it be too dramatic to say I hate my life right now? No matter what I do, I keep finding myself in deeper shit.
Being with my professor is just asking for unnecessary chaos in my life.
Yet, even though I’m telling myself no, that Kai and I can’t be anything, jealousy fills me as a few girls in my class go over to him with big, flirty smiles on their faces.
Sitting back in my chair, I cross my arms and scowl, straining to hear their conversion.
The tall, skinny blonde puts her hand on his arms and giggles. “How on earth are you just a lowly professor? You should be like a model or something.”
“Yeah, or an actor. I’d watch anything you’re in.” Her redheaded friend sighs wistfully.
I snort a laugh. Are they for real? I’m sure he’s never heard those lines before.
Kai’s lip twitches in amusement. He’s not fooled by their corny lines, but the girls take his smile as if he is.
“You know, I only picked this class because I needed to fill a course spot. So, I wouldn’t be mad if I had to drop it.” The blonde grins, biting her lower lip.
“And why would you need to drop out of a class?” Kai asks, cocking a brow.
“You know, if me and you went out to grab a bite to eat... or something.” She flutters her eyelashes, and her friend scowls at her before looking at Kai.
“Or me. What she said.”
I close my eyes and shake my head. I thought this cheesy shit only happened in movies. Do these girls really think they’re going to get anywhere with this?
“I think it’s pretty presumptuous of you ladies to assume I’m single.” He crosses his arms across his chest. “Not to mention the fact that you think it’s appropriate to make moves on a member of the faculty.”
“So, you’re, like not single?” the redhead asks. “I mean, I don’t care if you have a girlfriend. She doesn’t have to know.”
“You’re joking, right?” I ask, unable to keep my mouth shut. All three of them turn to look at me. “This has to be some kind of setup.” I look around. “Where are the hidden cameras?”
“What are you talking about?” the blonde asks, looking annoyed with me.
“I’m assuming this is one big prank, isn’t it?” I look her up and down. “Because the way you’re just out there hitting on a teacher, assuming that’s something he wants. And the fact that you both didn’t even check to see if the classroom was empty. Do you have any shame?”
“This is a private conversation,” the redhead huffs.
“Not very private when you're having it out in the open and loud enough for people to hear.” I roll my eyes.
“If it’s not about schoolwork or your grade, then there’s no conversation needed. My personal life is none of anyone’s business. If you ladies try to cross that line again, I’ll have to report you to the dean.” Kai shoots them a hard look.
They both pale. “We were just joking, God, relax.” The blonde rolls her eyes. “You don’t need to get all crazy.” She grabs her friend’s arm. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
I wait until they’re out of the room and the doors are shut before I grab my bag and slip it on. “Do you get this often?” I ask as I walk towards him.
“Seeing how I’ve never really taught before, this would be a first. I’m kind of offended they didn’t put much thought into it. They really did just come right out with their intentions.”
I shoot him a glare that makes him chuckle. “You're joking with me, right?”
“Yes, Delaney, I am.” He grins.
“Oh,” I blink a few times, my cheeks heating.