Page 111 of Hey Jude
I move to meet her, my eyes roving over her body. I’m speechless.
“Um, you look fucking amazing in those,” she says, taking in what I’m wearing. Reaching for me, she runs a finger underneath the edge of my suspenders, taking a good long look.
I roll my eyes, smiling.
She grins as she pulls the elastic back a little and lets it go with a snap.
I flinch but my eyes don’t leave hers.
“Lumberjack fantasy majorly leveled up.” She gives me a giddy smile.
I adjust the collar of my white button-up shirt and she bites her lip, watching me with hunger in her eyes as she drags a hand down my chest. Running my hands up the backs of her thighs, I lift the hem of her tiny skirt and squeeze her ass. I want to ravage her right this second, but I know if I kiss her even once, it’ll be my undoing.
“Come on,” I say, shaking my head and taking a deep breath. Using all my willpower to pull away, I take her hand and we head out to the truck.
* * *
As we arrive, the bass music is pounding and spills out into the warm summer air. Wyatt and Sam’s families have reserved the entire restaurant and bar for the party. Olena walks in ahead of me; I can’t take my eyes off her and need to remind myself we’re in public since openly ogling a woman like a Neanderthal—even the woman you’re dating—is frowned-upon. Nonetheless, I still have to resist the urge to push her into the coat check and do unspeakable things to her.
As she leads me by the hand through the crowded room, Olena is lit up in pulsing blues, purples, reds, and greens that throb along to the beat of the music. She turns to me. “I wanna find Wyatt!” she shouts over the noise.
I nod.
“Can you go get us drinks?” she asks, miming drinking from a cup.
I nod again, letting go of her hand, and walk backward a step or two, running my hand down my face. I let out a breath as she disappears into the crowd. As I turn toward the bar, I bump lightly into someone and immediately move to apologize for not looking where I was going.
“Jude!” Carol pulls me into a tight hug before I can get my bearings.
Pulling away, I falter a moment. “Sorry. Hi. Wow, Carol! It’s great to see you.” I lean in so she can hear me. I had forgotten she and Charles were part of Wyatt’s family.
“What are you doing here?” she asks, searching my eyes.
“Um…” I trail off, unsure how to explain. “Olena and I—”
“Say no more, darling,” she interrupts with a cheeky smile. “Saw that one coming a mile away.”
I smile, looking at my feet. She did. Everyone did.
“Well, I’m glad to see you. Goodness, you clean up nice!” She winks at me and taps my chest with a finger. I smile awkwardly and thank her for the compliment.
Charles appears at her side and hands her a glass of some dark amber drink. He reaches out and shakes my hand.
“Hello again!” he says, smiling. “I was just thinking about calling you,” he shouts over the music.
My brow furrows. “Is anything wrong with the property?”
“Oh, no, it’s great, no issues there.” He waves a hand dismissively and I relax. “I was just going to tell you we decided on a name. For our romantic retreat.” He pumps his eyebrows and laughs.
“Oh, right,” I say, turning to look for Olena in the crowd. I catch sight of her standing with Sam, laughing hard. She’s beautiful. I turn back to Charles and Carol. “What did you decide?”
Carol leans in. “Starscape Manor,” she says, dramatically sweeping a hand across the space between us. “What do you think?”
I smile. “It’s perfect. Olena will love it.” Visions of our unforgettable night on the dock a few months ago swim into my mind. I clear my throat. “Make sure to tell her when you see her,” I say. “I won’t ruin the surprise,” I add, holding up my hands with a smile.
“You’d better not!” teases Carol. She and Charles both chuckle.
I gesture over at the bar, explaining I need to grab drinks, and we part ways.