Page 158 of Jesse's Girl
“See ya in about an hour!” Jesse cheerfully declares as he walks backward toward the door with a smug grin on his face—clearly eating up the gobsmacked look on mine. He turns and, without a second glance, leaves the apartment. I think I hear him whistle as he closes the front door.
When it clicks shut, I gape at the floor, letting out a scoff.
The fucking nerve of this man.
It takes me a few minutes to get my bearings enough to trust my knees won’t give out when I stand. When I do, I drift in a trance to the bathroom and stare myself down in the mirror. My cheeks are pinched-pink like I’m drunk. I feel drunk. I splash cold water on my face and grab the closest towel to pat it dry. When I realize it’s Jesse’s towel and it smells like his soap and his clean, gorgeous body, I think I might actually pass away right here in this bathroom. I inhale deeply, ensuring the torture is complete, then hang the towel on the hook behind the door.
No way is he going to get away with that.
No way.
I head back to the kitchen table, stooping to retrieve my fallen pencil with a smirk, and pick up my phone. I shut off the music and settle back into my seat to compose the message.
Dirty move, Bailey.
What are you talking about?
Fuck off.
Oh god, don’t tell me YOU wanted to do the grocery shopping
(How embarrassing for me)
Ya know what? I’m just gonna wait for you in bed until you get back. Plot my revenge.
Ok perfect, then I can apologize in person
(For the grocery oversight of course)
You better be ready to beg on your knees for forgiveness.
I can think of something far more fun I can do for you on my knees
Biting my lip, I get up and pad to our room, throwing my phone on the nightstand and pulling out my vibrator from a small drawer below. I strip off my clothes and climb under the covers, nearly melting all over again at the scent of him on the sheets, then reach for my phone.
I’m naked in bed. It’s a shame you left. I’ll have to get started without you.
You fuck around, you find out.
Satisfied and, with nothing else to do but kill time, I put on a sexy playlist and ponder how long I’m willing to give him before I take care of things myself. I pinch my nipples, stoking the heat between my legs. I’ve barely gotten started when the front door slams and footsteps jog toward me. A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth as I slowly sit up. When the bedroom door flies open, it reveals Jesse, bent at the waist and out of breath.