Page 12 of Freedom to Love
“Murph, get your ass over here and help me. Besides, I’m not Diamond, so seeing my breasts should do nothing for you.”
“Dick. You’re a dick, Vander.”
“I know. Now help me.” She turned so he could untie the gown and then turned again so he could help her out of the sling. When she was free, she tugged the gown forward and off and he blushed despite himself and looked away.
“Margie said a woman called while you were asleep. Said she was your sister.”
“My sister?”
“Yeah, Margie said you didn’t have one, and she just said she needed to make sure you were okay and hung up.”
“Williams,” Kat whispered, fighting a smile.
“Nothing. Help me put that T-shirt on?”
He nodded and helped her into it, avoiding her eyes and her bare breasts.
“Any idea who would claim to be your sister?”
She sighed. “Who knows? I’ll check into it though.”
“Probably just a reporter,” he said.
She continued to dress. “Thanks. Now help me get the sling back on.”
He did so and then helped her with the Adidas slip-ons. He packed up her clothes, along with her watch, necklace, and other belongings, and opened the door for her. Gently, he led her by the elbow and they smiled at passersby, including nurses. When they reached the elevators, he stopped.
“We better take the stairs,” he said.
She was feeling a little weak, but she took a deep breath.
“Like I said, reporters.”
“You’re kidding?”
“Vander, this story is huge. Whole county’s up in arms.”
She followed him to the stairs and leaned on him all the way down. When they reached the bottom, she was sweaty and dizzy.
“Stay here,” he said. “I’m going to go pull my car around back.”
She nodded and leaned against the wall. Murph was right; she probably shouldn’t be leaving, but damn it, he was keeping something from her. She needed to see Damien and she needed her own bed and…she looked toward the door, hoping for Murph. She needed information. All kinds of information. What all wasn’t he telling her?
She opened the door and shuffled toward the back of the hospital. People stared, but she brushed them off. When she found a door that said no exit, she pushed through. Murph’s white Dodge Challenger grumbled toward her, and he was cussing at her and rounding the car to open the door. She didn’t hear a word he said, her mind too occupied.
He closed her door and slipped inside behind the wheel. He fastened both their seat belts and put the car in drive.
She looked at him point-blank. “Is Brynn Williams…okay?”
He slammed on the brakes but said nothing.
“Murph, fucking tell me. Tell me something. I’m dying here.”
He sighed. “We don’t know. We can’t find her.”