Page 15 of Freedom to Love
come and stay.” Of course there was no such person, but she didn’t want them to worry, and more than anything, she wanted to be left alone. She could handle things. She always had.
“Fine. But Margie’s gonna check on you later when she brings the food.”
“Sounds good.”
Her eyes grew heavier and they went out of focus.
“What about your bandage?” Margie asked. “Do I need to tend to it?”
“Mm. Bandage?”
Her eyes flickered. “I’m fine, thanks.” She could take care of her own bandage. She knew first aid, and she had numerous paramedics as friends if she had questions.
She closed her eyes, and a second or so later, she heard them close the bedroom door. As her body relaxed and her mind began to drift, she knew what she had to do. She had to go after Brynn and bring her in before she got in more trouble. It was the least she could do. After all, she’d risked everything to help her. And then she’d done it again when she’d come after Gunner.
Kat knew she should tell her colleagues, but she also knew that the more of them that showed up, the more likely Brynn would be to run or to fight it. Bea might even go on the offensive, God only knew with her.
Yes, that’s what she would do. And she knew exactly where to go. But first things first. She had to get to Damien.
Her body exhaled, and the world and Brynn Williams drifted away.