Page 18 of Freedom to Love
Vander licked dry lips. “Most are surprised you didn’t.”
“Yeah, well, most don’t know shit about me and who I really am. They just hear I’m a Williams and assume the worst.”
Vander looked around, and Brynn could see her eyes growing heavy. “Bea?”
Brynn motioned toward the bedroom. “Asleep.”
“She okay with coming in if I bring you in?”
Brynn was honest. “I doubt it.”
“Will you?”
Brynn sighed and paced the floor. Their hiding spot was useless now. Vander would tell; she would have to. Bea…she didn’t know what to do about Bea. But as far as herself, she was tired of running. Tired of looking over her shoulder. This was not freedom. And freedom, pure freedom, was what she wanted most.
“Promise me something and I will,” Brynn said.
Vander stared deep into her eyes. “If I can.”
“Let me drive. And let me get you some help.”
Vander laughed a little. “That’s it? You’re worried about me?”
“Why, Williams? I’m just a cop. The one who put you away.”
Brynn stared at her in disbelief, surprised at her words. “I—I care. I saved your ass didn’t I? Why would I let you die now?”
“Oh, so it’s pride.” She grinned and Brynn felt her heart jerk with a start. Then it fluttered.
“In that case, yes, I promise. You can drive and you can get me some help. And…a little advice from me to you. Ask for an attorney.”
“Oh, I plan on it.”
Vander gave a nod. “Good.”
She struggled to stand and Brynn helped. From the bedroom they heard a long groan as if someone was waking and stretching. Brynn tried to cut Bea off at the doorway, but it was too late. She was standing there, eyes wide, staring at Vander.
“What the fuck?” She looked around wildly, then hurried to the window to peek outside. “Where are they? Are we surrounded?”
“Bea.” Brynn tried to grab her, but she pulled away, hurrying back to the bedroom to slip on her jeans and step into her shoes. “Bea, we’re fine. We’re safe. It’s just her.”
“Just her my ass. They’re out there. I can smell them.” She didn’t bother to tie her laces.
Vander spoke, and her tone surprised Brynn, though she’d heard it many times before while in town and when she and Bea had first been pulled over four years ago.
“Williams, sit down. We need to talk.”
Bea froze, pushed her shoulders back, and turned to look at Vander.
“You expect me to listen to you? Cop?”
“I do and you will. If you want information that is.”
Bea, head held high, scoffed but walked to the chair and sat down. Vander sat as well. Brynn watched, nerves on edge.