Page 39 of Freedom to Love
Chapter Ten
Kat walked into the hospital, clenching her fist in nervousness. It felt like the hundredth time she’d come to see Damien, but it didn’t seem to matter when it came to her nerves. The first time she’d had to insist on coming, insisting Margie drive her. When she’d entered Damien’s room she’d gasped and backed up, completely unprepared for what she’d seen. His wife, Genie, had come to her, grabbed her hand, and led her to a chair. Damien was lifeless, machine pushing in breath after breath, hissing. His head was shaven, wrapped partially in a bandage. His chest rose and fell with the hissing.
“No one told me,” Kat had said. “Oh God, no one told me.”
She’d lit into her captain and Murph both that evening when she’d gotten home. Why hadn’t they told her how serious he was? She’d been asking and asking about him, but they had only told her he was still healing. They’d said that they were trying to protect her, to allow her to heal a little first. While she understood their intent, she didn’t agree with it. What if Damien had died? She wouldn’t have had the chance to tell him good-bye.
Damien had been her close friend for ten years. They’d been fast friends since the first day they’d met in the gym, both of them grunting louder than the others as they pushed themselves beyond limits. Their fellow officers laughed and gave them a hard time. Kat had looked at Damien and shrugged.
“Jealousy’s a disease,” she’d said to the others. “Get well soon, fellas.” She then high-fived Damien as he laughed and introduced himself.
They’d been nearly inseparable ever since, and when Damien had been assigned to work with her, a bond had formed. One of mutual respect and caring and something that went deeper. She watched his back, made sure he made it home to his wife and kids. She’d been there for his wedding, the birth of his kids. She’d rescued a dog and given it to his kids for Christmas, much to his dismay, which had only made her and Genie laugh. She loved him. He was blood. Family. And no one was allowed to fuck with that.
She pushed the button for the elevator and rotated her shoulder, finally free of the sling. She’d already started a little physical therapy, which she hated. But she did it anyway, pushing through the frustration, the setbacks, her need for perfection. She had always excelled, and it wasn’t easy to see her body so weak and unable to function properly. Damien would give her such shit if he could see her lose her temper at therapy. The thought made her laugh and then tear up. He would have to wake up first.
The elevator door opened and she stepped in. A woman with balloons and flowers entered, taking up most of the space. Kat had done the same on the first visit, but today she brought him his favorite—banana pudding. Even if he wasn’t awake, she believed he could hear her, and she was damn sure gonna let him know that she and Genie were enjoying it without him. If that didn’t get to him and make him wake up, nothing would.
She politely pushed past the balloons and stepped out at her floor. She walked quickly with her typical long strides. The closer she came to his room, the more nervous she grew. Sweat formed at her hairline and dripped down the back of her neck. Seeing him hooked up to all those machines scared the shit out of her. He looked so pale, thin. Gaunt. It was like watching helplessly as your dear brother slipped away, tethered to life by cords hooked to machines. She prayed he’d hang on, hang on tight to those tethers.
She came to his room, gave a few nurses at their circular counter a wave, and pushed open the cracked door to enter. But she heard a voice, a familiar voice, and she halted to listen. Her heart pounded as she heard Brynn Williams speak to Genie.
“I’m just so sorry. I should’ve done more. Should’ve thought to do more. He just looked so bad and he didn’t move…I’m just so sorry. It’s my fault he’s so bad off. I could’ve got him help a lot sooner.” She grew quiet and then Kat could hear her stifle back sobs.
Genie spoke, and Kat could see her cross the room to where Brynn must be standing. Kat pushed the door open a little farther and saw them embrace. She took in a quick breath, the sight moving her deep inside.
“Don’t you burden yourself with this,” Genie said through tears. “You did the best you could. Lord knows what you went through just helping the way you did. Honestly, after I saw the dash cam footage, I can’t believe Kat or Brian are alive at all.”
“I could’ve done more,” Brynn said. Kat saw them pull apart, and Genie brushed Brynn’s hair from her face.
“He’s alive. He’s alive because of you.” She smiled softly. “Thank you for that.”
Brynn wiped her eyes, then dug in her jeans pocket. She pulled out a folded stack of money and tried to press it to Genie’s palm. “This is all I can do,” she said. “God knows if I could wake him up, I would. But I can’t.”
“Brynn, please, no. I can’t take this.”
“Please do. I know you have children, a home to care for. This will help a little.”
Genie held her forearms. “Trust me, we are well cared for. We are loved. Damien…he means so much to a lot of people.”
Brynn eventually nodded and shoved the bills back into her pocket. “If you ever need anything, you’ll call me?”
“I will,” Genie said. “But please don’t be a stranger. Stay awhile. Visit often. He can hear us. I believe that with everything I am.”
Brynn and Genie crossed to Damien. Brynn took his hand and sat. Genie stood, hand on her shoulder. Brynn massaged his hand and Kat heated, knowing she should look away, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the tender moment.
Just then she felt a hand touch her shoulder from behind. “Excuse me,” a nurse said pushing a machine. “I need to check on him.”
Kat moved aside, exposing her presence. Genie smiled.
“Kat, you’re back so soon.” She greeted the nurse with a pat to her arm and left Brynn sitting with Damien. Genie enveloped her in a warm hug. “It’s good to see you.” Her eyes were red rimmed and puffy, her face pale and hollow. She’d done a lot of crying and praying, and it was beginning to show.
“I can’t seem to stay away,” Kat said, trying to sound casual. “He’s never going to get rid of me you know.”
Genie laughed. “I’m sure he’s aware of that.”
“He better be,” Kat said, stepping farther in the room. She handed over the container of pudding. “Banana,” she said. “His favorite.”
“Oh my Lord, you didn’t. Babe, you hear that? Banana pudding.” She placed it on a bed table and offered Kat a seat. “Kat, do you know…of course you do,” Genie said, catching herself.