Page 46 of The Breakdown
Natalie, too, finished drying the last plate and she turned to dry her hands on the dish towel. She looked so innocent and confused.
“Kim seems nice,” she said. “And Holly seems to trust her.”
“She’s a good farrier,” Vaughn said.
“But she gets around,” Gram added. Vaughn glared at her, but Gram continued. “What? She does. Everybody north of Phoenix knows it.”
“She gets around?” Natalie asked.
“Yes, child. That woman is known not only for her farrier abilities, but for her abilities of seduction as well. Hell, she even tried to bed Vaughn not too long ago.”
Natalie appeared shocked. “She did? You mean she’s…”
“Oh, she goes both ways,” Gram said.
“And you didn’t, did you?” Natalie asked, pointing the question to Vaughn. “You didn’t sleep with her?”
Vaughn wondered why she was asking. Wondered why she looked so troubled at the thought. “No, I didn’t.”
“She’s not Vaughn’s type,” Gram said. “She’s too wild.”
Vaughn sipped her root beer and hoped that would be the end of it. But Gram kept on. “Not that Vaughn hasn’t had a wild one or two from town from time to time. But they never last long.”
“Gram,” Vaughn said.
“What? You have had a wild one or two, haven’t you?”
“My personal life is not up for discussion.”
“Well, the girl is curious. Aren’t you, Natalie? And rightfully so.”
Natalie blinked rapidly. “I’m not trying to pry. And you don’t have to tell me anymore. Really.”
It was clear that Natalie was uncomfortable. And it was also clear that Gram wasn’t going to stop. So Vaughn stood and left the room, carrying her root beer into the living room to sit at the desk. She could check on the website and email as she waited for Gram to get her shit together and back off. She didn’t know why she was so hell-bent on setting her and Natalie up. Neither one of them had shown any outward interest. Vaughn knew because she hadn’t, and because Gram would’ve told her if Natalie had.
Vaughn logged onto the computer and checked the email. There was nothing new. She sighed as she heard Gram continuing to talk about Kim and some of her local conquests. Natalie didn’t seem that interested, staying mostly silent, but Gram kept on. Vaughn slid her phone out from her jeans and made the phone call to Theo. She figured she might as well get it over with and her curiosity was getting the better of her. He answered on the fourth ring, surprising her. She hadn’t expected him to pick up.
“Theo, it’s Vaughn Ruger.”
“Vaughn, hello.”
“I’m calling to see if you’ve made any progress on my case.”
“I’ve got a few leads I’m following up on.”
“A few? As in different people?”
“I’d rather not get into it just yet, Vaughn. I still have some investigating to do.”
“Well, when should I call again?”
“I’ll call you when I have something more.”
“My mare, she’s still missing. I’m concerned about her well-being.”
“I’m sure you are,” he said. “And I promise you I’m doing all I can to find her.”