Page 72 of The Breakdown
Natalie scoffed. “I’m just stating the obvious.”
Could Em have a crush on her? Was it possible she wasn’t seeing it?
“And as for being jealous,” Natalie continued. “Maybe I am, Vaughn.”
“But why? Surely you know that I’d never…” she shook her head, unable to even contemplate doing anything with Em. “She’s my employee.”
“So am I, aren’t I?”
Again, Vaughn shook her head. “No, Natalie, you aren’t. You’re a friend and you’re helping out. We’re helping each other out. And our relationship….” She wasn’t sure what to say. “It’s completely different.”
“Our relationship?” Natalie said softly.
“What is our relationship?”
Vaughn stared into her pain-filled eyes as she searched for words. “Natalie…”
But Natalie turned, tears brimming. “Let me know when the stallion arrives and I’ll come help.” She started walking away.
Vaughn took a step to go after her. “Natalie. Wait. Let’s talk this through.” She was surprised at her own words, as she was the one who usually avoided heavy conversation about emotions and feelings. But she was willing and able to discuss this. She didn’t want Natalie feeling confused and jealous over something so ridiculous. She didn’t want Natalie to feel upset at all.
“I can’t,” Natalie said. “Not right now. Not when I don’t even know what it is I’m feeling myself.” She hurried out of the stables and into the corral.
Vaughn watched her go, feeling helpless. Natalie was torn up inside, she could see it, and Gram had also brought it up on more than one occasion. But Gram had also been tight-lipped as to the reasons why, wanting to keep Natalie’s confidence, which Vaughn understood and could appreciate. Vaughn just wished she knew what was bothering her so badly. She wanted to fix it, whatever it was. She was a fixer. Whether it came to Gram, the ranch, or anything else, she was driven to make things right.
Unless it’s me personally.
She walked out into the late afternoon sun and set her clipboard in the back of the Gator. Natalie was loving on Oliver as she wiped her own tears from her eyes. Vaughn leaned on the bars and watched, curious, with her heart bleeding for her. If it was something as simple as jealousy, she’d pretty much just put that to rest. So why was Natalie still so upset?
Maybe she really didn’t know. Like she’d said.
If that was the case, there was no way Vaughn could fix it. Nothing she could do, other than to be kind and offer to lend an ear. But she very seriously doubted that Natalie would take her up on that. Things had been different between them since that night in the guesthouse, and consequently the discussion at the end of the drive. Things just weren’t the same, and Vaughn blamed herself for that. She hadn’t exactly handled things in the best way.
In fact, she’d pretty much screwed everything up.
But how could she make it right when she knew that giving in to her attraction to Natalie right now wouldn’t be good for either one of them? Not when Natalie still had her ex-husband to contend with. That was going to have to be handled, one way or the other. And Vaughn still feared that when that did happen, Natalie might turn tail and run back to him. She’d seen it before with her aunt and it hadn’t been a pretty picture. Her aunt had paid the price for it with bruises and fear that seemed to last a lifetime. She didn’t want to see that happen to Natalie, but she also had herself to think about. She was trying to do what was best for both of them. Until they worked out their issues, things couldn’t possibly work. Could they?
I can’t.
She sighed and tipped her hat back to scratch her forehead again. Then she rested her arms on the bars and rested her chin on her hands. Natalie was speaking softly to Oliver, stroking him down, nuzzling his neck. Natalie’s dark hair was glinting in the sun, her eyes blazing in the rays as she looked over at Vaughn. She was damn near breathtaking as she stood there in her jeans and snug henley top, loving on that horse in the late afternoon sunlight.
I may not be able to fix things right now, Natalie. But I’m still here. And I still want you here. I just hope that I can continue to convince you of that.
Chapter Thirty-two
Natalie finished grooming Oliver and walked him back inside the stables. Em grinned at her as she fed Miracle, and Natalie wanted to smack the grin right off her face.
God, what is wrong with me? Why am I feeling so inadequate and combative when it comes to this girl?
Natalie led Oliver into his stall, closed him in, and returned to the corral as Greer led another horse inside. There were only a handful of horses left in the pen, but they weren’t Natalie’s current concern. She was looking for Vaughn and wondering if the young stallion had arrived yet. A quick glance at her watch showed that another half hour had passed. So where was the horse?
Had he arrived and Vaughn had changed her mind about having her help?
I shouldn’t have behaved the way I did. I really need to get a grip.
She stared out over the pasture searching for any sign of Vaughn or the new horse, but she saw nothing. Just another handful of horses grazing out in the pasture. Natalie walked toward the main house, determined to find Vaughn so she could apologize. But just as she reached the side door to the kitchen, Vaughn came rushing out, colliding into her.