Page 91 of The Breakdown
“She’s having a time of it.”
“He’s not coming around here, is he? You don’t think last night was him do you?”
“No, no. It was those boys, I’d bet on it. No, Natalie’s husband doesn’t know she’s here. She’s sort of hiding out.”
“Ah. Gotcha. Probably smart if he’s anything like Aunt Sissy’s ex.”
“What are you two gabbing about?” Natalie asked as she walked back into the kitchen.
“We’re talking about you,” June let out, causing Vivian to guffaw.
“Well, don’t let me stop you,” Natalie said with a smile.
“We were just saying that you seem to have an effect on Vaughn. A positive effect.”
Natalie glanced back toward the living room. “You hear that, Vaughn?”
“I have a positive effect on you, so that means you’ve got to listen to me.”
“Not a chance.”
Natalie laughed. “So much for that positive effect.” She refilled the coffee mug and returned to the living room.
“She’s adorable,” Vivian said, turning the bacon. “I hope Vaughn can see that.”
“Oh, I think she does. She just needs time to work it out. They both do.”
“Well, let’s hope that time comes sooner rather than later.”
“From your lips to God’s ears, honey.”
Chapter Thirty-eight
Tito pulled his SUV over on the dirt road near the Midnight Mine Ranch and killed the engine. He removed his binoculars from the case and put them up to his eyes and adjusted the lenses. In the distance, he saw movement on the ranch near the stables. Two men and one woman. He focused in on the woman. It was Natalie Brewer. He could tell by the short dark hair and petite build. She was leading a chestnut horse into a corral.
He continued to watch her and study her surroundings. He knew the ranch was relatively small by ranch standards, with only a few employees. He also knew that the ranch was only barely able to make ends meet, with its owners, Vaughn and June Ruger, doing all they could to save it. And it seemed that Natalie was doing her best to help. She seemed to know her way around the horses and the ranch, helping quite a bit, something he hadn’t expected, based on the things Allen Beaufort had told him about her. According to Allen, Natalie was a spoiled brat who only appreciated stature and wealth and she’d stolen from him when she left him. But in watching her these past few days, he was beginning to doubt that story. He was beginning to doubt a lot of things about Allen.
As if on cue, his phone rang, announcing Allen as the caller. He held the phone, looking at the screen, debating whether or not to answer. But he knew if he didn’t that Allen would just keep calling, harassing him to no end.
“Yeah,” he answered.
Allen immediately started in on him. “Where have you been? What’s going on?”
“I’m doing the job you paid me for.”
“Well, how am I supposed to know that when I can’t get a hold of you, you fucking moron?”
“I’m working.”
“What about Natalie?”
“What about her?”
“Are you really doing your job?”