Page 95 of The Breakdown
“Tell me,” she said. “Who was here?”
Vivian and June were looking at her too, with questions in their eyes. Natalie trembled as she removed the paper from her jeans pocket. Still shaking, she managed to open it and hand it to Vaughn, who read it quietly.
“Where did you get this?”
“It was on the door to the guesthouse. I didn’t see it in the dark when I went to change earlier this morning. So, I didn’t find it until after you left.”
Natalie reread the note as Vaughn looked at it. It read: LEAVE OR ELSE.
“So, the man we saw? He did this?” Vaughn asked.
“I don’t know,” Natalie said. “If the man was Allen, I guess so.”
“Wait,” June said. “It was probably whoever slashed the tires. Don’t you reckon?”
“Then who was the man and why didn’t he come to the ranch? He was driving away from it,” Vaughn said. “Like a crazy man.”
Natalie shook her head. “It’s Allen. All of it. That note proves it.”
Vaughn chewed her lip, handing the note back to Natalie. “Not necessarily.”
“Vaughn, come on!” Natalie said. She refolded the note and shoved it in her pocket. She wanted to burn the damn thing, but she held on to it, afraid to destroy it. She might need it to show to the police, if she decided to call them.
“It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s Allen,” Vaughn said softly. “It could be Ricky and Pedro.”
“But why? They don’t even know me.”
“No, they don’t. But they’ve seen you. When we found Miracle. So they know you’re here and they may be trying to scare you.”
“I don’t know,” Natalie said.
“Look, I know you’re scared,” Vaughn said, but let’s not jump to any conclusions.”
Natalie disagreed. “This was a warning, Vaughn. This was serious. I—”
“I don’t want you to go,” Vaughn said adamantly. She rubbed her brow as if her head hurt, but then calmed. “Please, Natalie, promise me you won’t do anything rash.”
Natalie looked from Vivian to June, and they quietly excused themselves, obviously sensing that she and Vaughn needed a private moment. “I will do what I think is best.”
Vaughn cursed under her breath. “Don’t do what you think is best for me. Or June or Mom. Okay? Let us worry about ourselves. We’re fine. And we’re gonna be fine. Allen isn’t going to hurt us.”
“You don’t know that.”
Vaughn reached out for her hand. Natalie took it and Vaughn pulled her closer. “I don’t want you to go,” she said. “Please. Promise you’ll stay.”
“I’m scared, Vaughn. Scared he will hurt you and this ranch. You don’t know him. He’s—crazy.”
“Then I’ll tell the police. I need to call them anyway to follow up on the tires and gate and cameras.”
Natalie thought about arguing but changed her mind. Maybe it was time to talk to them. For everyone’s safety. “Okay,” she said. “I’ll stay. But only if you continue to rest and let me help you. Let all of us help you.”
Vaughn groaned. “If it keeps you here, fine.” She kissed her hand and Natalie exhaled a shaky breath.
“Tell me about your back.”
“I’m probably going to need surgery.”
Natalie’s mouth fell open. “Really?”