Page 17 of Andy
The drive to Andy’s friend’s condo didn’t take long, and they were on the pool deck less than an hour after leaving the pizza place. Rory had curves and looked amazing. Mel worried someone would say something about her flat chest and non-existent hips. But Rory didn’t even give her a second glance, and she certainly didn’t say anything negative.
“The rest of the women will be here in about thirty minutes.”
“Rest of the women?”
Rory nodded. “Yeah. All the guys are coming with their wives except Peach. He isn’t with anyone. It’s sad. He’s so good-looking, but that’s all anyone sees. He’s tried, but women end up treating him like crap.”
“He’s pretty but not dumb. Maybe one day he’ll find someone, but then again, maybe not. He’s a good person, but he can be rude. Harry told me what he said when he met you. I swear he says stuff like that and doesn’t realize it’s rude.”
Mel nodded. “Yeah, but I’ve heard worse. I didn’t think he was being really rude.”
“Would you like anything to eat?” Rory asked.
She shook her head. “No, thank you, I’m fine.”
Someone called out, and Rory turned, then waved to a group coming in. “That’s everyone. The kids are here. They are older now than when I first met them, but they aren’t moody teenagers yet. I’m sure once they get a little older they’ll be insufferable.”
Mel chuckled. “I know I was.”
“Same. I was an awful brat. I was in foster care, so I was probably doubly bratty since I had so much I had to prove.”
Mel didn’t know what to say and was saved from having to respond because Andy came over and led her to meet everyone. There were so many people there, with all the women and the four kids. The three girls and one boy seemed nice. They also got along well.
The women were kind, much nicer than any other group of women she’d ever met before. Not one of them said anything about her being small. She was impressed.
“Mel, I think it’s great how you stayed calm during the robbery. When we heard about it, I was so worried about Andy,” Ava said.
Mel shrugged. “We were robbed before.”
“Wait, so that same location was robbed before?” Peach asked.
Mel nodded. “Yeah. When I first started working there.”
“Who did the first robbery?” Peach asked.
“I don’t know.” Mel hadn’t really looked into it. Back when it happened, she had looked up their names, but she'd forgotten. It wasn't something she liked to obsess about.
“Hmm,” Peach said as he stepped away.
Andy took her hand and pulled her close. “Want to get in the water?”
Andy took off his shirt, and she might have gotten a heat flash. She met Ava’s gaze and saw that the woman was chuckling. She couldn’t hide the desire running through her, and Ava saw it, too.
Ava came close and whispered, “You know, I feel the same way about Wild. He gets me going.”
Mel chuckled and watched as Andy moved to the pool and jumped in.
“They are hot,” Jessica said.
Ingrid nodded. “So freaking hot.”
Mel moved to the pool, pulled off her shirt, and then pushed her shorts low. Her bikini was orange and yellow gingham, definitely not hiding anything at all. Andy turned and watched as she entered the water. He moved to her and held out his hand.
“Shit, you’re so freaking sexy.”