Page 22 of Andy
“I’m seeing movement,” Peach said.
That got Andy up. Now, there was no way he could sleep. He moved into position next to Peach, his sight from his rifle in place so he could see what Peach had seen.
Wild grunted. “Tell me what you’ve got.”
“At the northern end of the compound, there’s movement.”
Andy moved just a few inches so he could see the northern end where Peach said the movement happened. Sure enough, there was a group of men moving toward the parked vehicles. The equipment he was using was good—some of the best. He dialed in, focusing on one person in particular. Because they had the most updated equipment, he was able to capture a video of what he saw and send it to Wild’s phone.
Wild grunted. “We’ll get confirmation this is him.”
Andy was always amazed at how technology had improved, even in the last few years. When he’d first become a SEAL, they would have had to make the visual confirmation on their own. Now, with the new technology that had come out less than six months ago, Wild had confirmation that the man they saw was the target, and a missile strike had been ordered.
“Looks like we’re going home.” Bear sounded excited.
“Not yet,” Wild said, brining them back to earth. “We need to confirm that the bastard is dead.”
“How long until the drone is close?” Andy asked.
Peach checked something then spoke. “Five minutes out.”
“Jesus, how far do you think they’ll get in five minutes?” Jax asked.
Wild grunted. “Hopefully, not too far. The roads are shit around here, so they can’t drive fast.”
“Maybe two or three miles away,” Bear said. “Unless they sit there for a minute. They’re not all in the vehicles. Maybe they’ll still be right there, and we won’t have to run far to confirm the kill.”
Wild groaned. “I understand technology makes things easier, but sometimes shit like this makes me feel it isn’t safer.”
“I’ve marked the vehicle he’s in,” Peach said.
“Good. Now we just need to wait.”
Peach spoke. “Two minutes.”
“They could probably get a mile down the road,” Bear grumbled.
“Unless they come this way,” Peach added.
Wild shook his head. “We’ll be fucked. They need to go the other way.”
“Shit. Do we need to run?” Andy asked.
Bear glanced around. “Maybe. Let’s see which way they go.”
They sat in tense silence as they waited for the caravan to move. If they turned toward the SEALs’ position, the missile from the drone could hit them.
Andy didn’t like missiles because he didn’t trust them. Close contact kills were easier for him to control. Having some guy on a ship or even somewhere in the USA direct the kill was nerve-wracking. He trusted the drone operators, but there were so many random factors at play. Right now, the randomness of which direction this jerk drove was the most dangerous part of this mission.
“The drone is almost here.” Peach spoke fast, excitement evident in his voice.
“They haven’t moved,” Jax said as he shifted to the left and lowered his rifle.
Wild didn’t look pleased. “We’ll need to move out soon.”
If they really got this guy, they would be going home. He hoped they were right. They needed this bastard to die. He knew it wasn’t the healthiest thing to wish death upon someone, but this man was evil. Not only could the death of thousands of his own citizens be attributed to this man, but he was behind a terrorist attack that had killed hundreds, many of whom were kids. He had to be eliminated, and his network had to be dismantled. That would take time and another group to do that dirty work. Their goal was to finish this dirty work and go home.
Harry had turned and was staring at the sky. “I see the drone.”