Page 27 of Andy
Andy rolled his eyes, which hurt like a bitch. “Jesus, don’t make me roll my eyes at you.”
“I bet laughing is going to hurt you, too.”
“Probably.” Andy was thankful Wild kept their conversation light. No question his mortality weighed heavily on his mind. It could have been game over if he’d been a little closer to the explosion.
Wild stepped out. Andy guessed to call the women and tell them what had happened. A few moments later, maybe hours because Andy might have drifted off, Wild came back in, his lips thin.
“Everything okay?” Andy asked.
“I told Ava what happened, and she’s going to head over to talk to Mel after she gets off work.”
Andy closed his eyes because his emotions were nearly overwhelming. “Thank you,” he squeaked out, hating that his voice broke.
“Buddy, we’ve got you. Ava said she’s going to make sure Mel is fine. The doctors think you’ll be able to travel in a few days. So you’ll be home before you know it.”
“They think I can travel after brain surgery?”
"The doctor explained it to us. He used the least invasive method, and there is almost no swelling on your brain. You just have to remain swelling-free for a few days."
“God, I want to go home and see Mel.”
“We’ll get you there.”
Wild took a seat, and Andy closed his eyes as exhaustion tugged at him. He didn’t know how bad this was but hoped it didn’t take him out. He wasn’t ready for his career as a SEAL to be over, but he really wasn't ready to die. There was so much for him waiting at home. He only hoped Mel didn't leave him once she understood what happened.
Chapter 14
The worst-case scenarios ran through Mel’s mind. She imagined Andy unable to walk or take care of himself. She wanted him healthy but would stand by him if he wasn’t. She heard a noise and sat up. It was just Ava in the kitchen.
“Did you hear anything more?” Mel asked as she entered the kitchen.
Ava shook her head. “No. But they aren’t going to deliver good news, so it’s not getting worse.”
“What about Wild?” Mel had felt weird staying with Ava and her kids at first, but then she gave in after not sleeping at all the first night at her place after learning that Andy had been hurt.
“They’re in the air. They’ll be here in about six hours. I don’t know what will happen with Andy, though.”
“Do you think they’re going to make him stay in the hospital here?” Mel drew in a slow breath. “I need to see him with my own eyes.”
“Soon enough. And Wild said he would be okay, eventually. I don’t think they’ll make him go to the hospital. They said he was good.”
Mel nodded, worry filling her. “I need to know how long eventually is.”
Andy seemed larger than life when she first met him. When the bank had been robbed, he’d handled things so well. On dates and when they’d just hung out, Andy was so sure of himself. She didn’t know exactly what had happened, just that he’d been injured and had surgery. She needed details to feel better. Maybe the details wouldn’t really help. Realistically, how bad could his injury be?
“Coffee?” Ava asked.
“Yes, please.”
“Are you going to work today?”
She shook her head. “No. I was barely capable yesterday, so I called in sick today. I didn’t think I could function. Tomorrow is Saturday, so I’ll be off.” Mel took a sip of the coffee Ava had placed in front of her. “Thank you for letting me stay here the last few days.”
“Of course. I would be going crazy if Wild got hurt. I don’t think I could take it.”
“Being with you all has helped. I mean, I’m worried like crazy, but just having you, Ingrid, Jessica, and Rory to talk to has made it better.”
“I’m glad we’ve been able to help. I’ll be here all day to chat. I have a class at ten, but otherwise, I’m free to watch TV or go for a walk, or just stare at the sky.”