Page 42 of Andy
He shook his head and shrugged. “I don’t know. I wish we did, but I don’t. The only thing I could think of is your roommates and the robbery.”
“Oh God. Do you think I did something to get Chris and April killed?”
"No, baby, you didn't do anything to get your roommates killed. The jerks who killed them are the only people at fault." He moved to his car. "I need to put this up before the cops show up. They don't like guns."
She nodded, fear filling her. How had her life gotten so complicated? She glanced down and saw blood on her arm. Panic whipped through her. Where had that come from?
Chapter 25
Andy finished storing the gun and turned, seeing blood running down Mel's arm. She looked up and met his gaze. He saw the second her eyes glassed over, and he moved fast, catching her before she hit the ground.
“Andy, what happened?” Peach asked as he stepped between the cars.
“There’s blood on her. I don’t know how bad.”
“Shit, let’s look.”
The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance. Whoever had been shooting at them was long gone and wouldn’t be coming back with the police on their way. They were safe for now, but he wondered if Mel actually was safe.
Peach had her arm in his hand, and he shook his head. “Looks like glass. I don’t think she was shot. It’s not big enough. I think she was just cut.”
Andy nodded, unsure if he trusted his voice. Seeing Mel hurt was terrifying. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if she was actually injured. She was too precious to deal with pain.
The cops seemed stunned that the gunmen were gone. They almost looked sad that they didn’t get to shoot at someone. Andy told the police to contact Detective Houck because he knew the man would want to know.
Mel didn’t want to go to the hospital in the ambulance, but he was too worried about her to let her argue with him.
“I’ll be right behind the ambulance. I’ll see you in a bit,” Andy said as the EMTs wheeled her into the back of the ambulance.
Peach, Rory, and Harry came over to him. Andy hugged each of them, relieved that none of them had been hurt. It was bad enough Mel was injured.
“Hey, what do you need?” Peach asked.
He shook his head. “I’m going to drive over to the hospital.”
"No, you're not," Harry said. "Rory and I already agreed that I'm driving you over there. She'll follow in my car. We are going to stick by you until we know Mel is okay."
Andy blew out a breath. “Thanks. I feel good, but I know it’s an illusion.”
"Come on," Harry said as he took Andy's keys. "We'll get you to the hospital, and then we'll figure out what we can do to stop this from happening again."
Andy had no clue why it had happened in the first place. Who would want to hurt Mel? She was nice and a good person. She didn’t have enemies. Maybe Detective Houck would have an idea.
It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the hospital. Mel had already arrived, and he was led back to the room where the EMTs had parked her. A doctor stepped in right after Andy arrived.
"Hello, I'm Doctor Haas. We're going to get X-rays and make sure there isn't anything inside your arm. It looks a little swollen. So you were shot at?"
“Yes, sir,” Mel said.
“That’s not good. Let me look at it. You’re not losing a lot of blood. We need to figure out what is going on.”
Mel nodded and then rested her head against the pillow. "This sucks."
“It does.”
Mel met his gaze and looked like she was about to say something when two men came into the room, interrupting them.