Page 45 of Andy
Andy chuckled. “Sure. That would be something you can enjoy.”
She smiled and nodded, wondering if she would be able to empty her mind of the worry long enough to enjoy the day. Someone was trying to kill her. That scared her. Who could be targeting her? She wasn’t anyone special or a politician. No one really knew her. She was a boring woman who lived a mundane life. The most controversial thing she’d done recently was put pineapple on a pizza.
Chapter 26
Mel sat on the chaise lounge by the pool, sipping the chocolate berry protein shake the guy at the bar in the hotel had made for her. It was one of their breakfast specials, and she had to say it was special. More expensive than the drinks she bought from the grocery store, but so delicious.
Rory picked up the chai tea she'd brought with her and waved it around. "This is a lot like the pool deck where Harry lives, but I could get used to that view."
Mel chuckled. “It is nice. I’ve never been to one of these hotels before. I had the points because of business travel that I get to do once every few years, but this is way nicer than anything I’ve ever stayed at.”
Rory chuckled. “When I was in the military, I never got to stay at places like this. But now that I’m a contractor, I have to say I’m spoiled.”
Mel sighed. “I just hate that I’m here because of the drama. I swear Andy is going to get tired of me because of all of this crap.”
Rory threw back her head, and laughter spilled out. "No way. When Harry met me, I had so much drama."
“Really? You seem so together. Like nothing has ever happened.”
Rory took a sip of her tea, then lowered her sunglasses and looked at her. "I found out about a crime perpetrated by some higher-ups in the military. They kidnapped me, and I was given to a trafficker who shipped me overseas.
A pained look crossed over Rory's face, and Mel sat up. She moved to Rory's lounge and held her hand. "Hey, you don't have to talk about it if it's too hard."
Rory blew out a breath. "I've been working on it at therapy. It was bad. The Navy got involved with my rescue, and they shut down an international drug lord who was also into human trafficking. So, a bunch of SEALs not on Harry's team, and a lot of officers knew what happened. It was so much drama, and I'm still getting over it—not over, I'll never be over it, but I'm getting to the point that it doesn't rule my life."
“Can I hug you?”
Rory set her tea down, and they hugged. She rested her head on Rory's shoulder, and it almost felt like she was hugging a sister or aunt.
“I’m so glad we met,” Mel said. “You all are the nicest women I’ve ever known. It’s so sweet of you to take time to sit with me while I’m so worried.”
Rory sat back against the lounge, and Mel moved back to her seat. When she'd first met Rory, the woman had seemed a little distracted. Now Mel understood.
“We’ve all been through stuff. Ava’s ex was an abusive bastard. Jessica had been held hostage by terrorists. Ingrid’s ex is serving time for murder. He wasn’t a nice guy to her or her kids. Andy will stick by you. So don’t worry that he will get annoyed with you because someone is targeting you.”
Mel sipped more of her shake as she stared out at the water in the bay. “We’d just started having sex again. I fear this will make it stop.”
Rory’s lips thinned before she started chuckling. “Sex.” Rory blew out a breath. “Maybe Andy isn’t like Harry, but my goodness. I think the muscles help. Or maybe he just knows how to move.”
Mel threw back her head, laughing. "Yeah. He knows how to move. With his injury, it was less—how should I say this—active. I think that's the right way to describe it. But yeah, we were just getting back into the swing of things."
Rory sighed. "I really thought I was going to retire in the military, then things happened, and I was thrown a curve ball. Don't get me wrong, I like what I do now. I only work part-time, really, but I make almost twice as much money. I like it because I can do things like this. Hanging out with you all day, sitting beside the pool, and maybe watching a movie will be fun. I couldn't do this while I was in the military because I had to be there. I guess what I'm saying is life isn't ever going to be what you expected, but it's the people you have around you that makes it worthwhile. If I had never met Harry, I know my life wouldn't be this good. He makes it all worthwhile."
Mel stared out at the boats moving in the bay. “I’ve fallen in love with Andy. I don’t think I could survive losing him.”
Rory reached over and took her hand. “He’s a good man. I’m glad that you two are doing so good together.”
Mel nodded. “Now we just have to get through this. I’m sure the cops will find the guy who shot at us. Maybe it was just some random idiot who I’ll never see again.”
She didn't believe that, though. The bank robbery, her roommates, and the shooting all added up to look like she was being targeted. Hopefully, they didn't know where Andy lived. She couldn't spend her life hiding away at a hotel. Though the protein shake was nearly perfect and she could get used to drinking something like it every day.
Harry stopped in and picked up Rory when Andy came back from work. Rory gave her a big hug before she left with her man. The day had been almost perfect. She hated that she had to stay here, but it was nice to have a day to relax.
Worry and fear had skirted the edge of her mind all day. Keeping it at bay had been easy while she pretended to be on vacation with Rory, but now with Andy back from work, the shooting was front and center in her thoughts. She sighed heavily and Andy came over and wrapped his arms around her.
"Hey, they'll figure this out. And I ordered a security system for the house. Once it arrives, we’ll get it installed. We'll have cameras on the front and back. It will be monitored, and hopefully, you'll be able to feel more secure."
"Thank you. You're doing too much. I mean, you didn't have to do that. I can pay you back for?—"