Page 52 of Andy
She sat up and shook her head. “I can’t believe it. I mean, I had it checked a few days before the bank was robbed. You must have super sperm that forced me to ovulate.”
Andy threw back his head and laughed. “Maybe I do. We’ll find out later this week.”
“We sure as heck will.” Mel showered and dressed quickly and ate two slices of toast and some cheese before they left.
She couldn't believe she had a baby growing inside her. It seemed way too weird. On the drive over, she pulled up the website for the obstetrician she used and saw they had an online appointment tool. She made an appointment for Monday at five. At least she would have some answers soon.
Chapter 30
Spending time with the guys and their women was great. The activity kept his mind off Mel and the baby. Not that he didn’t look out for her, but he wasn’t constantly worried and wondering if she would be okay.
He wasn't surprised when she ate chips with ketchup. No one said anything to her about her weird food combinations, but he did hear Ava mention to Jessica that Mel was eating a lot, which they both thought was good.
On Sunday, he helped Mel clean out her old apartment. The blood stains were still on the walls, and they were a stark reminder that someone had come after Mel. They didn't know why, and he had no clue how to keep her safe. They needed more information, but the only way to get that information would be through another attack. He didn't want that. Maybe the people would leave Mel alone, and she could live her life without fear.
“Do you think you have everything?” Andy asked Mel as she stood in the middle of the apartment.
She shrugged. “I think so. It’s such a shame that they were killed. I don’t want to believe that it had anything to do with me.”
Andy hugged her, wishing he could take the burden of guilt from her. "Hopefully, the cops will find who did this soon."
Mel let go of a heavy sigh. "I hope so. I don't like living with fear in the back of my mind. I want to be free of this."
He kissed her before grabbing the last of the bags and carrying them out to the truck. There was no one in the parking lot, so he was fairly certain they weren’t being watched. When he drove the truck out of the parking lot, no one followed.
Maybe everything had been random, but he feared there was something tying it all together. Mel had pepper spray and knew how to use it. He just hoped she had no reason to ever need it.
He told Mel he wanted to be at the doctor’s appointment. At first she’d told him he didn’t need to come, but then she said she was relieved he wanted to be there. She took a shared ride to work that morning and he swung by after he finished at the base and picked her up so they could ride home together after the appointment. His hands were shaking by the time they got to the doctor’s office he was so nervous.
They only waited a few minutes in the waiting room before her name was called. The nurse had her pee in a cup before she was led into the examination room.
“You need to strip from the waist down. The half gown is there. The doctor will be in shortly.”
Andy was a little uncomfortable as Mel went behind a screen and took off her pants. The half gown looked like a skirt, but a weird, hospital gown type of skirt. Only minutes after Mel came out from behind the screen, the door opened.
The doctor smiled and shook Mel’s hand. “Well, Mel, you are pregnant. Now we need to see what is up with your IUD.” The woman turned to Andy. “I’m Doctor Newel. And you are…”
"I'm Andy. I'm her?—"
“We’re going to get married, so he’s my fiancé, or is it still just boyfriend?” Mel asked.
Andy shrugged. “I don’t know. I think we’re a little shocked that she’s pregnant.”
"Trust me, we all are. Mel, get up on the table, and let's see what is happening." The doctor removed the IUD, and Mel only winced a little. She set the small device in a little dish. "It was in there. I took it out because you are pregnant. Now I'm going to use the ultrasound to see how far along you are."
Mel took his hand, and he watched the screen as the doctor used a wand. He didn't want to really think about how uncomfortable Mel was, but she was right here with him. They all three were looking at the screen when something came into view. It was like black and white splotches, but the doctor looked impressed. Then he heard a fast thudding.
“Oh,” the doctor said.
"Oh, what?" Andy asked as panic whipped through him.
“You’re farther along than I thought you would be.”
“How far?” Mel asked as she squeezed his hand.
“Based on what I’m seeing, I’d say between nine and eleven weeks. You’re almost out of your first trimester.”
“Oh, dang. That means the first time we had sex…” Andy trailed off, not sure about the etiquette of sex talk with this specific doctor. It was obvious they’d done something sexual to get Mel pregnant, but he felt weird talking about it.