Page 54 of Andy
Mel spoke, but her words were broken up with laughter. "Andy said something funny, and I can't stop laughing."
Emma’s eyebrows pinched together. “What’s that? It looks weird.”
Mel realized she was holding the ultrasound photo facing out. Ava's eyes got wide, and Wild's eyes narrowed.
“Oh my God. That’s what I think it is,” Ava said.
“What, Mommy?” Emma asked.
Mel couldn’t hold back the excitement as Ava ran over and hugged her. Wild looked confused, and both girls mimicked his look.
“What is going on?” Wild asked. “I feel like I’m out of the loop.”
Ava hugged Mel as she turned to her husband. “They’re having a baby.”
“What?” Wild asked. “Are you for real?” Wild moved to Andy and gave him a back slapping hug. “Congratulations.”
“You’re having a baby?” Emma asked. “How?”
Lila rolled her eyes. “You’ll find out, eventually.”
Ava's lips pursed together. "I don't want to know."
“Congrats,” Lila said.
“I still want to know how she is having a baby,” Emma said.
“Good luck with that,” Mel whispered to Ava before she pulled away.
Wild turned to Mel and spread his arms wide. “Mel, I can’t believe you two are going to have a baby.”
Mel chuckled as she hugged Wild. “Neither can I. My doctor can’t either.”
“Really, why?” Ava asked.
Mel stepped away from Wild and glanced at the children. “I’ll send you a text.”
Ava nodded. “Yeah. Sounds good.”
“We won’t keep you,” Wild said. “We’re just finishing up our walk before bedtime.”
"Enjoy, and we'll talk tomorrow," Andy called out as Wild and his family took off to their house. Andy pulled her close, and they headed inside.
They were starting their own family. Wild and Ava looked happy with their kids, and she had a long time before she had to start explaining where babies came from, and all the other confusing things kids asked about.
“So, what do you want for dinner?” Andy asked.
“What do we have?”
"We have ground beef and chicken."
Mel screwed up her lips. “Not chicken.”
"Okay. I'll make burgers, and I'll freeze the chicken."
“Thank you. I’m going to chop some vegetables and get those going.”
“Sounds good.”