Page 30 of Harry
He nodded. “Thank you all for coming over here to help me look. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You are stuck with us,” Andy said.
Peach grabbed his arm and held his gaze. “I may not think relationships are necessary, but I don’t want her to suffer. We’ll find these bastards and take them out.”
Harry’s throat closed. His buddies offering to help him, to spill blood for him was almost too much. He loved them more than he thought possible. They were standing up for him and for Rory.
“We all brought computers,” Wild said.
“We’re ready to start looking after we eat breakfast,” Jax said.
“I brought food for lunch and snacks for later. We have enough to stick around and search all weekend if we have to,” Bear said.
Wild squeezed his shoulder. “We’re going to figure this out.”
“Thank you.” Harry’s voice cracked with emotions. He had to get it together.
Bear shoved a plate of food in front of him, and Andy handed him a fork. He dug in, eating everything. The other guys ate their breakfast, then settled around his table and at the bar connecting the dining room to the kitchen. They all took different places to look on the dark web to avoid overlapping their investigations. Hours passed, mostly in silence except for keyboards clacking, as they searched for any information on Rory.
At around two, they broke for lunch and a mental break. Frustration ruled. Harry wanted to punch something or maybe just go shooting. But Rory needed him to keep looking.
Peach groaned and dropped to the couch. His eyebrows bunched together, and then he shrugged. Harry didn’t ask Peach what that was about as he left the room to head to the bathroom. He was losing hope. They’d spent hours searching, and if he added up all the time the six of them had spent together, it would be more than a week of searching, and they’d found nothing. She wasn’t out there.
He finished in the bathroom and opened the door to the guys talking fast. He was in the doorway to his room when he saw Peach holding up an envelope.
“Harry, what is this?”
Harry shrugged. “I don’t know. Where was it?”
“Between your couch cushions. It was poking me in the side. I pulled it out. It has your name on it.”
Harry shook his head. He had no clue what was in the envelope. “Maybe it’s mail I missed.”
“There is no address, just your name.”
“I don’t know. Maybe something the condo association gave me.” He nodded at the envelope. “Open it.”
Peach pulled the sealed tab, ripping the paper as the glue stuck. With the envelope open wide, Peach dumped something into his hand and then pulled out a sheet of paper. What the hell? Harry’s stomach tightened, and he held his breath as Peach held up a thumb drive and opened the folded piece of paper.
“Harry, I left this here because it’s evidence. My place was broken into, and I knew the drive would be safe at your place. If anything happens to me, look at Lieutenant Laelyn and Commander Toovey. The thumb drive has all the evidence. I shipped one copy to the FBI and one to a reporter in Washington, DC. Before moving here to San Diego, I found evidence of a human trafficking ring. I didn’t know that it was human trafficking at first, but I knew it was something illegal. I told my chain of command, and they blew me off. I was moved shortly after that and tried to put it out of my mind. Then I found evidence in a laptop computer I discovered at the Center. Lieutenant Laelyn and Commander Toovey are mixed up in this. Be careful, Rory.”
Peach let go a heavy sigh as he folded the piece of paper and then met Harry’s gaze. No one spoke as the weight of the situation settled on them. They were going up against a commander, not at all someone they could take on without help.
“Fuck,” Wild said.
“Dammit,” Andy said.
“We need help,” Jax said.
“Yeah, you think?” Harry shook his head as he stared at the piece of paper in Peach’s hand. “We need to make copies of that drive because if we hand it over to anyone, they are going to never let us see what’s on it.”
“Agreed,” Wild said.
“What do you think this will mean?” Bear asked.
Harry shook his head as he tried to get hold of his fear and panic. “I don’t know. But I have a feeling that if we tell the wrong person about this, they’ll kill Rory.”
“Agreed,” Wild said. “We need to move carefully from here on out. If this information is real, and it ties Toovey and Laelyn to a human trafficking ring, we’re all screwed.”