Page 15 of Securing His Heart
“How many times have you had to give bad news?” Considering what he’d done for a living, what he still did, the likelihood of him passing on bad news on a regular basis, wasn’t beyond the realm of possibility.
“More times than I care to admit.” He sighed again. “How soon can you get here?”
Her plans to go to the dealership could wait. Lindy had to go into the city to pick her car up from under her building before she could fix the keys. If Chris was still there it would enable her to kill two birds with one stone.
“Are you at your hotel, because I have to go to my building to grab my car. I could swing by and see you before I do that.”
How the heck was she sounding so calm when what he had to tell her and make her watch wasn’t a fun romantic comedy?
“I’m at Steve’s office and he’s in South Perth. Is that going to be hard for you to get to?”
“No, I can call a cab.”
“Don’t do that. I’ll borrow a car and come and get you instead.” The urgency of his words radiated through the phone.
Did she want Chris to know where she lived?
Oh, what did it matter, he probably already knew, especially if his security friend was able to get the landline to her parents’ unlisted number.
“That sounds fine. I’d give you my address but I suspect you probably already have it.”
Again, he chuckled and she wanted to hear that sound more often from him. “You’d be right. Hang tight, Linds, I’ll be there soon.”
She hung up the phone, not wanting to admit how comforting his parting comments were. How a tiny thrill swept through her as he shortened her name for the second time. She’d always been Lindy to everyone, but to Chris she was Linds.
As much as she tried to deny it, the idea that he was going to be at her house in the very near future, brought her a lot of security, and happiness.
More than it should.
Wilt pulled up in front of a mansion that wouldn’t be out of place in the gentrified areas of Mississippi where he’d grown up. It was white, with large columns on either side of the double doors. The gate had been open allowing them access to the house and he would have words with Lindy about being so lax with her security.
“Damn, this place is better in person than the pictures I’ve seen of it.” His buddy cut the engine and sat back in the seat. “I take it you don’t want me coming in?”
Chris arched an eyebrow. “I think it will be best if you don’t. As far as Lindy knows it’s only me coming and if you turn up, it could freak her out more than she already is.”
Guilt assailed him. He was the main reason for the fear she was experiencing. He’d been ready to tell her that her bag snatch hadn’t been random, but the second he’d heard her voice and she’d told him she needed to get dressed, his brain had fried and all his intentions had gone out the window. Now Chris was out the front of her house. The reality of her wealth staring him in the face.
Without allowing himself any more time to wish he’d done things differently he opened the door and slammed it shut. With quick movements, he was standing at her front door, fist raised to knock when the large wooden door was pulled open and Lindy was standing in front of him.
All his blood drained south at the sight of her in tight fitting black pants that accentuated her long legs and trim waist. Her blouse was purple, highlighting her golden-brown hair. The neckline was low and giving a hint of her cleavage.
Chris wanted to pull her into his arms. Sink his fingers into hair and capture her pretty pink stained lips with his own.
Wilt was only a few feet away, no doubt watching him through the car’s front window and he didn’t want to do anything to embarrass or make Lindy any more uncomfortable than she needed to be.
“Chris? Are you okay?”
Her voice broke through his scattered thoughts. How many times had he got lost inside his head when he was around her? A lot, and he suspected that it wouldn’t stop anytime soon.
“Sorry. You look beautiful, Linds.” He gave into the urge and brushed his fingers against her cheek, twisting a lock of her hair around his finger before letting it go and watching as the curl he made straightened out.
“Thank you. Did you want to come in?”