Page 23 of Securing His Heart
“Yes, a team.”
“I like that.” Lindy pushed to her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his.
His arms closed around her and she twined her fingers behind his neck, sinking further into the kiss.
Her body lit up with desire and her skin itched as though her clothes were irritating her all of her sudden.
How was it possible that she’d only met this man last night, but now she didn’t want to think about the possibility that he would walk away and she’d never see him again?
He lived in the United States, for goodness’ sake, no way would he just decide to live with her. There were immigration rules and regulations that needed to be followed. It wasn’t like anyone could just decide to remain in a country they were visiting.
Reluctantly, Lindy pulled away and placed her hand over his heart. Beneath her fingertips the rapid beat of it assured her that his reaction was the same as hers, because if he placed a hand on her chest, he’d find out how much her heart was racing.
Stepping away from the tempting man in front of her took a lot of mental and physical strength—it was the last thing she wanted to do.
“I need to look at my emails.”
“And I need to feed you. Do you want anything in particular?”
“You can cook?”
Chris shrugged. “You don’t get to be my age without learning a few things. To eat, you need to know how to cook. I can hold my own in the kitchen.”
Visions of him moving around her kitchen as he chopped and sautéed meat filled her mind. The fact he was shirtless as he cooked was beside the point. Lindy would still love to see him cook; he would be poetry in motion.
“The fridge is stocked, how about you surprise me?”
Chris pressed his lips against hers before pulling away, far too quickly. At least out of the two of them one person had some control.
Her whole being ached for her to yank his head down again and lose herself in another one of his kisses. Work be damned. Lindy would take their kiss to her bedroom, push him onto her bed and then strip slowly for him.
She gasped at the thought, she’d never stripped for anyone in her life, but for Chris, she would.
“What exactly are you thinking, Lindy Jones?”
She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Probably best you don’t know.”
Chris chuckled again, the sexy sound pushed her already heated blood from simmer to boiling.
“I think I might like to, but later, hmm. I think it’s safer if I walk away now.”
Lindy opened her eyes to find him in front of her, merriment shining in his dark gaze. “Yeah, maybe.”
With another laugh, he headed back downstairs with the confidence of someone who’d lived there their whole life—but hadn’t.
She opened her mouth to tell him where the kitchen was, but slammed it shut. The guy was a Delta, he could probably sniff it out.
She walked to her office and sat down with purpose. Time to investigate who was after her and why.
Chris raised his fist to knock on the wooden frame of Lindy’s office, but paused mid-air.
Her fingers were flying over the keyboard and the tip of her tongue poked out between her lips. Concentration furrowed her brow and he hated to interrupt her, but it was close to ten in the evening—she needed sleep.
“Hey,” he pitched his voice low, so as not to startle her.
Her head lifted and her fingers paused in their rapid beating of the tiny square keys. “Hey. Do you need to go?”
Was that a hint of disappointment in her voice?