Page 27 of Securing His Heart
“It really does.” She chuckled and pushed his chest.
Reluctantly, he stepped away, aware that her hair was mussed and her breathing ragged.
Probably not the best look for a CEO should anyone walk through the door. Especially one who was trying to get the respect of their staff.
“Is there are place where I can work?” he asked once she’d straightened her clothes.
“What are you going to do?”
“I’ve got a laptop and I’m going to access the footage again. Not to mention, I want to be able to see if we can determine if anyone has tried to access your files.”
“How are you going to do that without alerting my IT people that there is a possible breach? That information isn’t going to stay quiet.” Lindy paced over to the window. Her shoulders hunched. One of her hands rested on the glass as she gazed out as if she alone would take on the world.
She painted a lonely picture and his heart ached to be the one to fill it for her.
He liked to think they were making progress in that direction, but their conversations were half-hearted at best, and never seemed to stick to one subject.
“I was going to try and see if I can get Wilt at Power Security to access my computer while I’m here so while it will look like I’m doing surface stuff, they’ll be able to get in and dig a little deeper while covering their tracks at the same time. You know we haven’t worked out how we’re going to handle my being here. What my position is?”
Lindy returned to her desk and sat down. “I’ve been thinking about that. We could say you’re a consultant from the US. I’ve brought you in because you have extensive background in researching the oil and gas industry and how we are moving to more eco-friendly systems. That way it won’t raise eyebrows when you open some of the documents on projects we’re working on. I think it might be best if you look at our current projects today, before tomorrow you start looking at the projects I’ve halted.”
“That’s wasting a day, though. They could be making their move and we don’t know it.”
Everything Lindy had said, right up until the moment she mentioned him not investigating the halted projects, he’d agreed with. As he’d stated, delaying granting him access, even by one day could prove to be dangerous.
“I know that, and if you think I don’t want this over and done with quickly, you’re wrong. But I can’t have this complete stranger come in and access files that only a few have permission to do so. Use today to familiarize yourself with the staff. Check those around me who may want to cause harm. Look through all the board members, too.”
Again, her ideas were sound and he conceded she did have a point, if he did go in guns blazing it would only increase the target on her head. Not to mention, he’d already decided he was going to investigate the board members. Today would be a good time to do that.
“Fine, we’ll do it your way.”
“Thank you. That means a lot.” Lindy smiled, her eyes sparkling and he had to control the urge to pull her close again and lose himself in her.
Tonight, he vowed.
Tonight, he’d talk about what he wanted from her and the future he imagined they could have together.
Lindy closed her laptop and leaned back against her chair. Her neck and shoulders ached from being hunched over her computer, but she’d made progress. Thank goodness, she hadn’t had many meetings, so she’d been able to focus on who wanted her password generator.
She glanced at the device on her desk. Whenever someone had come into her office, including her assistant, she’d tucked it under her leg. When she’d gone to her meetings, she’d kept the device in her jacket pocket.
As much as she hated to admit it, she was glad to have Chris shadowing her movements to and from work. Knowing he was going to be beside her as she made her way to the car comforted her. She didn’t want to have to look over her shoulder all the time, and until the people responsible were caught, she’d have to be extra cautious.
“You ready to leave?”
Her heart skipped at Chris’s voice. Once she’d shown him to a spare desk, and he’d gotten himself set up she’d only seen him on the odd occasion. She had a feeling though he’d been watching her more than she’d noticed. He was a Delta; they were known for being undetected by people. It was how they got all the information they needed.
“Yeah. So ready.”
Lindy opened the bottom drawer of her desk and pulled out her purse and laptop bag. She stowed her device and slipped the password generator into her pocket and stood.
Chris hadn’t moved from his position by her door. Why hadn’t he come into her office? Why was he still standing there?
Her nerve endings hit high alert and she stilled, unsure whether to go to him or if she’d be better off where she was, in case she had to take cover.