Page 29 of Securing His Heart
After reaching her office, she’d worked out she was being childish and had apologized. The kiss they’d shared had been amazing. What type of heat could they generate between the sheets if a kiss had the power to make her forget where she was and what she should be doing?
“Lindy, is everything okay?”
Chris’s voice sounded like it was coming from a tunnel and she shook her head, clearing her mind. His hands were gripping her upper arms, not hurting her, but there was a hint of panic and fear in his eyes.
How the heck could a tough Delta Force soldier feel fear? Weren’t they fearless?
“I’m fine. Seriously, I’m okay. I just…” What did she say?
I just realized I want to have a future with you. I just realized that I could be falling in love with you.
None of those thoughts seemed the thing to say even though they were coming from the bottom of her heart.
“Just what?” His grip on her had lightened and his hands were moving up and down her arms. The fabric of her shirt bunching and then straightening with the motion.
Take a leap of faith.
Her inner voice encouraged her and she jumped. “I just want you. I want to spend more time with you.”
Chris’s nostrils flared at her declaration, and the tiny glimpse of fear she’d seen in his eyes was replaced with desire so hot she could’ve burned up. “You shouldn’t say things like that to me.”
The spark of desire inside her ignited and she closed this distance between them, placing her hand on his chest, right over his heart. Lindy looked up at him from beneath her lashes. “Why not?”
She pouted and hoped it looked sexy and not ridiculous. “Because is not an answer.”
His large hand landed on top of hers. “You want an answer, huh?”
She nodded. Lindy was having way too much fun flirting with him in the enclosed space of the stairwell.
Chris groaned and pulled her close, until she was flush against him. “You asked for this.”
His head swooped down and he crashed his lips on hers.
Her grip on her laptop bag loosened and it almost slipped out of her fingers, until she tightened them. She wanted to wrap both arms around his neck. Anchor him to her so he knew how much she wanted this.
How much she wanted him.
Their groans echoed around them and she pulled back, hating to cut the embrace but needing to at the same time. “Take me home.”
Chris nodded and grabbed her hand, leading her down the stairs. He set a brisk pace and she worried she’d topple over in her high heels, but if she did he’d catch her. Lindy didn’t doubt that.
A few minutes later, they were pulling out of the building and heading into the light evening traffic. Neither said a word on the drive home.
The tension that filled the car this trip was nothing like what’d surrounded them on the way to work. That had been tense with unspoken words. This tension was different, it was an if-I-touch-you-I’m-going-to-want-to-rip-your-clothes-off-and-it’s-far-too-dangerous-to-do-that.
Finally, they pulled into the driveway of her house, Chris entered the code and the gates opened, painfully slowly.
Why hadn’t she ever noticed how slow they were?
The second he parked in front of the house, and turned the engine off, they had their seatbelts off and got out of the car.
He stood behind her, his body heat reaching out, as she fumbled to unlock the door.
Never in her life had Lindy been so consumed with this much sexual desire.