Page 40 of Securing His Heart
Lindy would miss him while he was away, but when he returned, he’d be with her for good, and that made the separation a little easier to live with.
“Here you go.” Chris placed her wine on the table and slid in beside her, resting his arm across her shoulders.
“Thanks.” She lifted it and threw him a glance. “To chance encounters at bars.”
“To forever.”
They tapped their glasses and she took a sip, closing her eyes to savor the flavor of the Sauvignon Blanc.
“I’ve got something else to say.”
Her eyes snapped open, and she gripped her wineglass.
Chris was holding out his hand. On his palm sat a diamond ring. The stone sparkling from the light shining down on it.
“Is that?” Lindy couldn’t say the rest of the words.
“Yep.” He smiled and brushed his fingers over her shoulder. “When I walked in here on that Thursday night, I never expected to find my forever. I was going through the motions of living. Going from job to job. Then I saw you, and everything fell into place. Will you marry me, Lindy Jones?”
Tears filled her eyes. “Absolutely.”
Chris slid the diamond solitaire ring on her finger, then gripped her hand in his. “I love you,” he whispered the words against her lips.
“I love you, too. So much. I can’t believe this is real.”
“It’s very real.”
As their lips connected, peace settled over her, and Lindy felt her father looking down on her smiling, happy that she’d found her happily ever after.
Steve Power rolled down his window and the late afternoon spring air filled the car. After being in an airconditioned building, it was nice to feel the light breeze waft over his skin.
The day had been busy but fulfilling. Business was booming and he was looking at collaborating more with some counterparts in Los Angeles. After doing a favor for Angelo Donatello at Alliez Security, his boss, Ox, had contacted Steve to see if they were interested in working with them on missions they did with the FBI. Power Security’s proximity to Asia was a drawcard, not to mention the fact he and his team already did covert operations for the Australian Government and other individuals. Steve was more than happy to consider Ox’s proposal.
As he turned down a familiar street his focus drifted to the owner of the café he frequented. Tabitha Newton was sexy, sassy and way too good for Steve and all the baggage he carried with him. Not to mention, all the things he’d done so far in his life, would taint her beautiful soul. But that didn’t stop him from admiring her from afar. From stopping in every morning for a coffee and a muffin, along with some light flirtation. And in weak moments, thoughts of what could be filled his mind until he shut them down with a reality check.
Out of habit he slowed down as he approached Café Tabby, hoping to catch a glimpse of its delightful owner. Steve slammed on his brakes, his car lurching to a halt at what he saw.
“What the fuck,” he muttered as he slapped his hazard lights on and got out of the car, running over to the prone figure on the ground. “Tabitha!”