Page 22 of Protecting Jess
The rest of the guys had made their way out of the room and only he, Jess, Kaley, and Oak remained.
He may have only just met her friend, but there was no way Oak was going to be able to drag her from Jess’s side.
“I want to stay with you,” she said, after what seemed like forever, but was probably only a few seconds.
“I’ll get a room here for the rest of your stay,” Finn said, already thinking about how he was going to get to and from the base from the hotel. Not to mention PT with the guys.
He’d just have to get up earlier, considering he normally woke up fifteen minutes before he was due to arrive at PT. That was one perk of living on base—the proximity to everything.
A downside, one he hadn’t considered, was the restriction of living on base when it came to spending one-on-one time with a girlfriend. In the past, it hadn’t been an issue.
Not that Jess was his girlfriend—yet.
Maybe it was time he looked at getting his own place. Then he could have the guys over and feel like he really belonged on the team.
“You don’t have to do that. One night will be fine. I’ll just go home earlier than I’d planned.”
That wasn’t happening.
Finn didn’t say the words out loud. Although, if she really wanted to leave, he’d let her, but he hoped he could convince her to stay.
“We’ll work it out.” He looked at Kaley. “I’ll let you know what room number I get so you can come up. But maybe in a few hours. I think we all need to get some sleep.”
Jess’s friend nodded and gave Jess a hug, taking quietly to her.
“You good, man?” Oak pulled him away from where the girls were talking.
“Yeah, it’s… I’ve known Jess a long time. Hearing what she went through by herself, I can’t deny I wanted to tear this place apart.”
“I could tell. Whoever did this, we’ll find them. Tex will help.”
“Do you know the guy?” Finn asked. He trusted what House had said, but Oak was his age, and the first one to really welcome him to the team.
It’d taken the other guys a little while to trust that he would have their backs. They were a few years older than him and Oak. More established in their careers and lives.
“I’ve met him. As House said, the guy is more respected by all the teams than the rear admiral is. They know if they ever need anything, Tex will be there for them—no questions asked. House is right. He’ll give us more information than the cops ever will.”
Finn digested that, hearing nothing but admiration for the man in Oak’s voice. His tension eased, if only a touch, knowing that Tex would help. “Okay, thanks, man. Appreciate it.” He went to Jess and slung his arm around her shoulders. “Let’s get a room.”
This was one of the times Finn was grateful he had a black credit card in his pocket and could place it on the counter, guaranteeing him the best room in the place.
Jess rolled over and hit something solid. Whatever it was, it was warm, and so she snuggled closer. Immediately, a heavy arm draped over her waist and hauled her closer.
There was something that was wrong about this scenario, but she was too sleepy to figure it out.
“You okay, popsicle?”
Jess’s eyes flew open and everything from the previous twenty-four hours slammed into her, like the floor had the time she’d tripped onstage and hadn’t been able to regain her balance.
She was lying in a hotel bed with Finn.
A half-naked Finn if the expanse of hard male flesh her cheek rested against was any indication.
Scrambling back, Jess pushed her hair out of her face. “Hey. I’m good. Yeah. Good. And you?” The words tumbled out, and she wished she were a little more sophisticated, as if waking up with a man was a normal occurrence for her.
Only it wasn’t.