Page 30 of Protecting Jess
“I guess. I mean, I was taking my cues from you. You were the one who was dragging ass. Not me.”
“True.” Jess had taken her time, hoping that whoever had been waiting would get bored and leave. “Anyway, Finn was there, and he was the last person I’d expected to see. The humiliation from our last encounter came flooding back, and I brushed him off when he asked me to dinner. I saw the acceptance in his eyes, along with a little bit of sadness, but I decided he couldn’t just turn up as if nothing happened and expect things to be the same.”
“That’s my girl!” Kaley held her hand up and Jess high-fived her.
“Then, he and Oak came up to us at the bar. I called him out, but he said he was just there because of Oak. I could tell that he was respecting my wishes, even if they went against everything he wanted. When he said he was going to leave, I couldn’t let him. I didn’t want him to go. And, well, you know how the rest of the night turned out, and here we are.” Jess shrugged.
Her bestie didn’t say anything for a few seconds. Kaley was obviously taking in everything she’d told her and turning it over in her mind. Probably working out if Jess was being truthful or wistful.
“If you’re happy, that’s all that matters,” Kaley finally said. “But if he hurts you, he’s going to wish he didn’t, because I’m going to make sure he knows what an asshole he is.”
“Don’t worry. I don’t plan on doing anything to hurt Jess. I’d rather cut off my right arm than cause her pain.”
Jess yelped and jumped from the couch.
Finn stood, leaning against the wall, looking casual and sexy all at the same time.
“What the heck? When did you get back here? How long have you been standing there?” The questions tumbled out, and her heart thundered.
He smirked, and it was even more sexy. “Not that long.”
How much had he heard of her and Kaley’s conversation?
Had Finn heard Jess say she didn’t want him to go?
Although he would’ve gotten that idea when she’d launched herself into his arms.
There was a knock at the door, and Finn turned to answer it, saving her from embarrassing herself by demanding he tell her exactly what he’d heard.
“I believe him, you know,” Kaley said quietly beside her.
“That he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you. That guy is as smitten with you as you are with him.”
Everything in Jess wanted to believe her friend, but after having been burned by Finn once before, she planned to proceed with caution.
Finn opened the door, expecting to see Oak on the other side. His friend had said he’d come to the hotel when they’d texted. He’d stayed longer on base than planned because he’d wanted Jess to have a little time with her friend.
Kaley had been frantic when Jess wasn’t responding to her messages. Oak had said it’d taken a while to calm her after Jess had finally texted back.
Finn hadn’t had a chance to ask what was going on with Oak and Kaley. So much for Oak saying he wasn’t going to bounce straight into something with another woman after only breaking up with Sylvia the day before.
“House, what are you doing here?” His teammate was standing at the door, with a laptop under his arm.
“Thought we’d video call Tex together. That way, you and Jess can meet him and, if she’s up to it, she can relay what happened to the man himself, rather than either one of us trying to explain it.”
“Sounds like a plan. Come in.” He stood back to let his teammate cross the threshold.
House’s head swiveled around, taking in the opulence of the room. It wasn’t a mystery what was going through his teammate’s mind. The room was a bit over the top for a Navy SEAL.
“It was the only room available.” Finn had always been careful with his money, even though he didn’t have to be. Most of the time, he lived within his means, using his Navy wages wisely.
It helped that he lived on base, but when the need arose, he was happy to delve into his trust fund. Like now, when he wanted Jess to have somewhere nice to stay.
House chuckled. “No judgment here. Just thinking about splurging on a few days here with Leonie to celebrate our ten-year wedding anniversary.”