Page 53 of Protecting Jess
“Always, man. Keep me posted.”
“I will.”
His fellow SEAL slapped his shoulder as he walked past, and Smiley gave him a chin lift.
No sooner had they walked out than House and Whistler appeared, their partners by their side.
“We got here as soon as we could.” House pulled Finn in for a quick, one-armed man hug. “We were on our way to Palm Springs, and so we had to turn around.”
“Fuck, House, you could’ve sent a message and let me know. I would’ve understood why you couldn’t be here,” Finn said.
House shook his head. “Said it the other night. We’re your team. Your family. You need us, we’re there. I couldn’t reach Shark, but looks like he’s gone off the grid, like he occasionally does. And, well, Tenor is a few floors up. We’ll go see him after.”
In all the chaos of rushing to the hospital and waiting for news, he’d forgotten his teammate was in the same hospital. “Damn. I should go see him.”
Whistler gave a wry smile. “I think you’ve got more important things to worry about. How’s Jess?”
Finn relayed what the doctor had told him. He was so grateful they’d dropped everything to come to the hospital, but he felt bad that their vacation plans were disrupted. The last thing he wanted was for them to miss out on their leave. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m really glad you and Whistler are here,” he said to House. “But Jess’s parents are going to be here soon, and if I know my parents, they’ll be on their way, too. You and Whistler go to Palm Springs. Enjoy your time with your women. Hell, an unexpected vacation isn’t something we should waste. We’ll be okay.”
“It was only for a couple of nights at Alison’s parents’ vacation home. It’s not like we’re losing a hotel booking,” House said.
“Still, you can’t tell me you weren’t looking forward to being able to sleep longer than five a.m. and swim for the fun of it, not because it’s part of PT.”
Whistler laughed. “I was fucking looking forward to sleeping in. Ow!” He rubbed his arm when his wife punched him.
“Please, my hand bounced off you. And watch your mouth. You’re in a hospital,” she admonished.
Finn smirked.
“Are you sure?” House asked again.
“Very. Oak’s here. I’ll be fine, and I’ll make sure to keep you updated.”
“Okay. But if you need anything—anything at all—let us know and we’ll come back.”
Finn didn’t doubt his team leader’s words. “I will.”
After a quick round of goodbyes, he headed over to the plastic chairs.
Oak and Kaley had gone to get some drinks, and he was grateful for the moment of solitude. Walking away from his team was going to be hard, particularly after what they’d done for him when he’d needed support. However, the thought of being so far away from Jess was one Finn couldn’t stand. So, as hard as it was going to be, he’d do it for the woman he loved.
He’d do anything for her.
Pain seeped into Jess’s consciousness. The throb in her shoulder became more and more intense as her awareness returned.
There were voices, too. Ones that sounded like her mom and dad.
Where was she? Had she flown back to San Antonio, gotten hurt, and didn’t remember any of it? Why did her hand feel so warm?
Jess flexed her fingers and whatever was on top of her moved as well.
The jumbled pieces of her mind moved around until everything over the last few days fell into place.
She’d danced her final show of the tour.