Page 40 of The Next Chapters
And she reveled in that feeling. Coming down from a world-shattering orgasm that blurred her vision, her heart pounding against her ribs, feeling completely safe and adored.
When she tapped weakly against Gianna’s wrist, her wife stopped, pulling the vibrator away and turning it off.
Riley sank back into their soft bed, feeling utterly boneless.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t want me in college like that.” Gianna’s voice was thoughtful as she returned to Riley’s side, stroking her hand lightly over Riley’s cheek.
She lifted her head, arching a questioning look at her wife. “I thought that was your dream?”
“Oh, it was,” Gianna agreed, a smile tugging at her lips. “But College Gianna didn’t know it was possible to feel like this, for the sex to be so good. I don’t think she was ready. I would have died before we could make it here.” She gestured around them, in their large bedroom, before dropping her hand down to rest on Riley’s stomach.
She stared thoughtfully up at Gianna.
Her golden hair was mussed, her cheeks flushed, and she was beaming down at Riley like she was her entire world.
Yeah, it was a good thing they didn’t discover this in college; they would have never gone to a class again.
The Before
AGE: 28
Gianna held her hands over Riley’s eyes, walking closely behind her as she directed Riley through her new home.
“I’m not going to lie, I am a little confused as to why I need to have my eyes covered for this one area when I already walked through the entire house with you without so much fanfare?” Riley’s amusement was clear in her tone.
“Just let me have this moment,” Gianna gently chastised, feeling her excitement start to bubble over.
Only a few more steps before…
“Ta-da!” She lifted her hands away from Riley’s face as soon as they were in the doorway of the laundry room.
Her custom designed laundry room, made specifically for the two of them.
“No more laundromat for us, babe!”
In truth, this was Gianna’s favorite part of her new home. Yes, she really liked the rest of the house; she wouldn’t have bought it otherwise. But while it was a beautiful house, Gianna had been in many beautiful places.
The laundry room was theirs. Something for her and Riley, and she looked at Riley expectantly.
Riley’s eyes were wide as took it all in, the edges of her lips curling into a smile that made Gianna feel ridiculously proud. “You really went all out in here; it’s amazing.”
“Thank you very much.”
“Honestly, Gianna, this whole place is amazing. I know I already did the walk-through with you, but…” Riley turned to her, searching her gaze. “I’m so proud of you. Everything you’ve accomplished, everything you’re going to accomplish?”
She reached down, taking Gianna’s hands in her own. Gianna sighed at the feeling, at how well their fingers slotted together.
“I’m just honored to be by your side.” Riley’s voice was soft, as was the look in her eyes, and Gianna’s heart skipped a beat.
“Well, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you.”
Riley scoffed. “Yes, you would have.”