Page 7 of The Next Chapters
“Maybe in a minute. But I need to tell you…” Riley licked her lips, stepping even closer to Gianna. “I know it was only the first date, technically, and – Gianna, you know I’m not this kind of person. But. I’m in love.”
Gianna swore her world stopped. Right here, right now. Her world absolutely paused on its axis.
“Really?” Gianna couldn’t keep up the façade anymore. She clutched at Riley’s hands, her heart pounding in her chest now.
“Really,” Riley confirmed, sounding breathless herself. “I heard what you said when we were walking home. And it just hit me when you got in your car. Gianna, I’m in love with you. Whether we’re having the best first date ever or spending the night cuddled on the couch watching reality television. It doesn’t matter.”
She used their interlocked hands to haul Riley up against her, wrapping her arms around her waist and holding tight. “I love you, Riley. I love you, and I am in love with you, and minä rakastan sinua and ti amo. If there was any other language I could use to say it, I would. Because I always have.”
Gianna could feel Riley’s heart beating as they pressed against one another, Riley’s arms around her neck.
Riley turned her head, then, enough so that she could plant kisses on Gianna’s face, and Gianna wanted to laugh and cry, but only in all of the good ways.
“I know you didn’t want to spend the night together as my perfect first date. But, as my best friend, I need to tell you all about my night with my favorite person. Let’s call her… Genuine Gianna.”
As her chuckle escaped her, Gianna decided she’d allow Riley to take over the mantle in giving her dates nicknames this one time.
Especially because she fully intended for there to be no others.
The Before
AGE: 22
Riley stared desolately down at her ring finger. More aptly, at the spot that had the very light indentation from the engagement ring she’d worn for only a week. But… she’d come to love it.
God, it hurt.
Not her finger. But her feelings. Her heart.
It ached, and she sniffled as she cuddled deeper into Gianna’s side.
She rested her head on Gianna’s shoulder, which was the perfect height for her. “I’m sorry for crying all over you,” she whispered, her throat sore from all of the aforementioned crying.
Gianna shifted her arm, the one that had been wrapped snugly around Riley, to rest it against Riley’s head. Gently holding her in place against her shoulder, gently stroking her long fingers through Riley’s hair.
The sensation soothed her, making her shiver pleasantly as she took a long, deep inhale, breathing in Gianna’s scent, which also comforted her.
“Don’t you dare apologize for crying against me, okay? That’s why I have shoulders – for you to lean on. If this one gets too water-logged, you can switch to the other one,” Gianna’s assured her, voice both firm and soft, and lodging exactly where Riley needed it.
She turned even more into Gianna, burying her face against her.
This side of her wasn’t something that often rose to the surface. Riley had become a master at self-soothing the summer after her dad had died, and she couldn’t believe this was her life right now.
“I’m such a fucking idiot,” she muttered, the heat in her tone racing through her body.
But, god, was she angry. Angry at herself for accepting Ashton’s proposal in the first place – she was twenty-two! What the hell was she thinking?! Riley wasn’t typically someone that leapt into something like this, but she’d… loved the idea of building a life with him.
“Don’t.” Gianna’s hand in her hair tugged just firmly enough to get Riley to look up at her. There was a ferocity in Gianna’s blue eyes that stole Riley’s breath from her lungs. “Don’t you dare get upset with yourself for the fact that Asshole Ashton cheated on you. That is not your fault in any way.” Her gaze searched Riley’s, and she looked so earnest, no hint of pretense or playfulness. “Riley, you were an amazing partner to him for the last two years. And I saw him with you; he didn’t give any hint that he would turn around and do something like this.”
Riley swallowed hard as she nodded.
Gianna slid her hand down to Riley’s chin before she could look away, as if Gianna could read her mind and knew that Riley had been about to do just that.