Page 34 of Unbelievable You
“With love,” Cade said. “We gang up on you with love.”
“Whatever. Am I not allowed to have any secrets from you two?”
Reid nodded. “Yeah, you are.”
“We just want to know what’s going on in your life. You know, that’s part of this whole friendship thing.”
“Jesus Christ.” I was about to get up and leave, in spite of all the food sloshing around in my stomach.
“Cade? Lay off,” Reid said, her tone a little sharp.
“We were having a good time. Can we just forget this happened and go back to complaining about our families?” I asked.
“Yes, please,” Reid said and then she let out a breath. “My mom tried to reach out through my aunt. Again.”
“Why did you wait this long to tell us?” Cade asked as we shared a look.
“Because I didn’t want to bring the mood down. Like I’m doing right now.” She gestured to the table and rubbed her eyes. “It’s fine. I’m just going to ignore her. Just…I’m so tired of this. So tired of so many things.”
“I know you don’t do hugs much, but can I give you a hug right now?” Cade asked and Reid huffed before she nodded. We ended up in a little group hug and Reid put up with it.
“Okay, that’s enough,” she said eventually, back to her grumpy self. She had to head to work, so we all headed to Sapph.
“Don’t let me get wasted,” I told Cade as we walked in.
“No promises,” she sang.
Chapter Eight
At least once a month I took each of my brothers on a little date. It was something I’d kind of started when Eli was a toddler to give my parents a break and I’d just kept doing it. Tor and I were grown now, but I still made him have a dedicated sister date with me when our schedules allowed.
Sunday evening was Carson’s turn and he wanted to go to the movies, so that was what we did. He got the works with pizza and popcorn and candy and soda. He laughed and I kept glancing over and seeing his smile and it made my chest tight with emotion. Damn, I loved my brothers.
I finished the food he left behind and listened as he chattered about his friends and school and every random thought that came into his head. Carson was a social butterfly and had lots of friends and almost never had a bad day. That kid could smile through just about anything.
“Stay?” he asked. He’d been calling me that since he could talk, and it stuck as a nickname.
“Yeah bud,” I said as we sat at a red light.
“You’re my favorite sister.”
Well, wasn’t that just heartwarming. “That’s sweet. But I am your only sister.”
He nodded. “I know that. But you’re still my favorite. Of all the sisters in the world.”
Now I was getting choked up. I had to wipe at my eyes and hope he didn’t see.
“I can’t tell you that you’re my favorite brother, because that isn’t fair, but of all the brothers in the world, I’m really glad you’re one of mine.” I reached over and messed with his hair, making him giggle.
I dropped him off at home and went back to my apartment. It was still early enough that I could have gone to the gym, but Hunter’s class had already ended, so she wasn’t there for me to bother and convince to get pie with me.
A message came to my phone as I was parking my car on the street near my place. I turned the car off and pulled up a picture of a piece of pie on a diner counter that I recognized.
It was from Hunter.