Page 37 of Unbelievable You
Sure, that last thing was going to be a challenge, but I was up for it. Usually I was only competitive with my siblings, but Hunter brought it out in me for whatever reason.
Yes, I wanted her more than I’d ever wanted anyone. Yes, I knew that in the course of my life, she was someone. But she also brought out sides of me that I liked.
Hunter’s eyes narrowed. “I don’t know if I trust you enough yet to let you plan something.”
“That’s fair. What would you like to do? I’m pretty much up for anything.” What she didn’t know was that I’d go anywhere with her. If she said we should dive into a dumpster full of rancid fish, I’d put on some goggles and dive in headfirst.
She raised her eyebrows. “No one is up for anything, but how about…movies? Is that too boring?”
“Depends on the movie. And if you have good snacks.” Good snacks were a must. Good snacks and good company. Nothing better than that.
“We could…never mind.” She looked away.
“No, what were you going to say?” I would sit here all night until she told me.
Hunter looked up at the ceiling and scrunched her face for a second in a moment so adorable that I almost slid right out of my chair.
“You’re going to judge me,” she said.
I made an x over my chest. “Cross my heart that I won’t.”
“Okay, it’s silly, but, Cade and I like to go to those antique markets and shows and pick out the most haunted item we can find. Like, the thing that you look at it and instantly want to call an exorcist. Sometimes we buy whatever it is. If it’s cheap enough. I keep most of them in my guest room. But that’s my thing with Cade. I don’t think she’d be happy if I shared it with you.”
I was at a complete loss for words. Not if I had a million guesses could I have predicted that was what she’d say.
“Do you have any pictures of the haunted stuff?” I asked.
She scrolled through her pictures and then showed me. “I have this painting. And those dolls. A lot of haunted things turn out to be toys. And then some jewelry.”
Yeah you could definitely tell those things were haunted.
“Aren’t you scared about having them in your house?” I asked.
She shrugged. “I don’t really believe they’re haunted. It’s more a vibe. And it’s fun.”
That gave me an idea. “Okay, how about this? There’s a really funky used bookstore that I like to go to. They have collections of some of the strangest books I’ve ever seen. What if we went and dared each other to find the weirdest book?”
Hunter smiled slowly and nodded, and I felt like I’d won something.
“I like it. And then we can get pastries?”
“Of course. Pastries are a given.”
Hunter looked at her schedule on her phone and I did the same.
Wednesday afternoon was the only time that both of us were free when the bookstore was open, so I put her in. Shit, seeing her name on my calendar was doing all kinds of things to me and I wanted to tell everyone.
It was time to head out, so I pushed the to-go container of pie at her.
“That’s for you.”
She stared at me for a second. “You just bought me pie. You don’t have to buy me more of it.”
“Are you saying you don’t want it?” Her hand flexed on the counter near the container. I knew she wanted it.
“I didn’t say that.”
I smiled at her. “That’s what I thought.”