Page 52 of Unbelievable You
“He’s not going to do anything, is he?” I asked.
“Other than sniff everything? Nope. I brought him his bed to lay on and some toys. He’ll be good, promise.” I’d never had a dog in my apartment, so I sort of stood back and watched as Stace set down the bed in a corner of the living room along with some toys.
“I’ve always got a Buck bag in my car because I have to drop him off with my brother or my parents all the time. He’s used to it.” After Buck ran around and smelled everything there was to smell, he raced to the bed and lay down, letting out a sigh.
“Oh. He seems happy?”
“He is,” Stace said, facing me. “Come here.”
She held her arms out and I walked right into them, letting her wrap them around me, leaning into her strength and her warmth.
Stace let one hand stroke up and down my back in a soothing gesture as we swayed just a little bit and it was so…nice. It was just nice.
Being held by Stace.
“See? Everyone needs a hug.”
Her voice rumbled through her chest as I fought the urge to snuggle closer to her. As if I could. If I wanted to get any closer, I’d have to crawl into her chest cavity. Gross.
Stace made a little sound like “mmmm” and I let my body go even more slack against her. She was mostly holding me up at this point. My bones were essentially liquid and everything else was warm and syrupy and I didn’t know if I’d ever been this relaxed in my entire life, not even after having an edible.
One of her hands reached up to stroke my hair, which I’d taken down.
“Your hair always smells so good,” she said, and I didn’t think I imagined her lips brushing the top of my head.
“Thanks.” My voice was muffled in her shirt. She always smelled so good. Being this close gave me a concentrated dose and I was pulling it into my lungs like a drug. It almost felt like one.
Stace eventually let go of me and I had to brace my legs so I didn’t just slump right to the floor.
My head was kind of floating and fuzzy as I looked up at her and found her smiling at me.
“Isn’t that better?” Her fingers fluttered across my cheek for a moment. Just a moment.
“Yes.” Everything was better now.
“Good. That’s what I came for. Now. Can you show me around this incredibly beautiful apartment?”
I did.
Stace whistled loudly as we walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows in my living area. She took in my plants and bookshelves and I wondered what she saw.
“This place is unbelievable,” she said after minutes of silence. “Did you decorate it yourself?” She spun around to face me, her hands behind her back. Buck snoozed on his bed, apparently making himself right at home.
“I did use a company to help a little bit with the overall design, but the rest of it is me,” I said, feeling pride that she appreciated what I’d done.
Stace nodded, walking in a slow circle. “You gonna show me everything else?”
She raised one eyebrow.
“I showed you my office and the bathroom.” I’d avoided the primary and my own personal bathroom that was attached.
Stace nodded. “Oh, I see. I get it.”
She flopped onto my couch and leaned back on the pillows. “It’s fine. You’re just afraid if you see me in your bedroom, you’ll be overcome with lust. It’s cool.”
“What the fuck?” She was always saying things like that. Just bold and out there and completely out of the blue.