Page 44 of Unforgettable You
“I would say that sounds like an amazing idea, as long as the pizza has all the toppings on it.”
I made a disgusted face. “Even olives?”
“Just give all your olives to me,” she said, turning her head and grinning. She was so pretty in that moment with the late afternoon sun streaming through the windows and gilding her in golden light. She could have anything she wanted in that moment.
“You can have all my olives in perpetuity. I can’t stand them.”
“Sounds like a plan,” she said, bracing her elbow on the door and leaning her head against her hand.
Chapter Eighteen
True to her word, Reid did pick off all the olives from her slices of pizza and piled them on my plate.
“My pizza is now tainted with olive essence,” she grumbled.
“You could have gotten half without olives,” I said.
Reid sighed. “That will be one of my regrets in life.”
I laughed and popped an olive into my mouth.
“What did you want to watch?” Reid asked me.
“How about that one with the people coming down from the space station to colonize Earth again, but they find out there are still humans who have been there the whole time. You sent me a few fanfics from that show. I’ve never seen it.”
Reid let out a long breath. “Okay, the first thing you need to know is that the sapphic relationship does not end happily. Have you looked up any spoilers or anything?”
I shook my head. The show had come out a while ago and I’d just never gotten into it.
“That was one of my very first ships. What happened on the show is one of the reasons I discovered fanfic in the first place. It was really brutal.”
She pulled up the show and I saw that she’d watched it already.
“I mean, as long as I know ahead of time, I think I’ll be good. But that still sucks.”
Reid sighed again. “The first time I watched it, I cried so hard. My mom wouldn’t believe me when I said I was sad about a character on a show dying. She wasn’t very sympathetic about me having any sort of emotions.”
Her jaw clenched and she shook her head. “Anyway. I’m over it now. I’ve rewatched it a bunch of times just to see my favorite parts. And to get the worldbuilding right.”
She froze, realizing what she’d said.
“Oh, so you’ve written for this fandom too. Now I’ll really have to pay attention.”
Reid let out a sound that was basically a growl as she covered her face with a pillow.
Yanking the pillow away from her face, I leaned close.
“You have got to stop being embarrassed about your fanfic. I think it’s amazing.”
She let me take the pillow away from her. “You haven’t even read it.”
“Don’t need to. I know you. I know it’s good.”
She just reached for the remote, turned the show on, and loaded up her plate with more pizza.
“So who am I supposed to be shipping with who?” I asked after we finished the second episode. “It’s not her with that guy’s little sister, is it?”