Page 66 of Unforgettable You
I’d never seen anything so beautiful.
“What the hell, Reid?” she asked. “I don’t even know what that was.”
I laughed under my breath. “Yeah, you haven’t seen that side of me yet, have you?”
She snorted and wiped at some sweat on her collarbone. “No. I don’t even know what just happened. I feel like my brain isn’t working.”
“Well, my dear Sophie, you had what’s called an orgasm.”
She kicked at me with her foot and I grabbed it so she couldn’t do any damage.
“I know that, asshole. I mean the other stuff. The telling me what to do stuff.”
I shrugged. “It’s what I like when it comes to sex. And I had a feeling you’d like it too.”
She flattened the sheet across her chest. “You know I’ve never…”
“I know,” I said. “I figured that out. Was this okay for you? I didn’t want to push too hard.”
She shook her head. “No, this was… I don’t even know what to call it. Amazing doesn’t seem like enough. I had no idea this would happen. I’m not mad that it did, though. Not mad at all.”
“Good,” I said, squeezing her ankle. This was probably time to make my exit.
“Wait!” she said, her eyes going wide. “What about you? Don’t you need to, um, come?” This woman was going to be the death of me.
“I’m fine,” I said. “This lesson was about you.”
She sat up while she held the sheet to her chest. “No, you should do whatever you need to do. I mean, can I watch? Only seems fair since you got to see me.”
Her eyes glittered and I fell completely under her spell. This woman could have whatever she wanted from me.
“Are you sure?” I asked.
She nodded. “Yes. I want to see. You can keep everything on. If you want.”
That seemed like the best course of action, so I leaned back a little and spread my legs, resting them on top of hers as I pulled my sweaty shirt away from my chest. She wasn’t the only one who was overheated.
Normally I would have drawn this out. Teased myself and made it last, but I wanted to get off. Quick and hot and dirty.
Plus, having Sophie watch me kicked things up about a hundred notches.
I slid my hand under the band of my shorts to find my dripping core and dragged my fingers through the dampness, spreading it around my clit and moaning. I didn’t hold anything back, letting her see all of it.
Sophie’s eyes roamed my face before dragging down my body and watching my hand as I worked myself. Using two fingers, I thrust into my pussy, eliciting an indecent sound that made both of us moan. Holy fuck, this was one of the hottest moments of my life and I wasn’t even naked.
With the heel of my hand, I rocked back to press on my clit while I worked my G-spot from inside.
“Coming,” I announced before my own climax seized me, hitting so hard and so fast that I let out a scream and shook with every single wave that choked me and stole my breath and shocked my veins. My gaze locked on Sophie’s face, holding nothing back.
One minute I was shaking and the next I had fallen over sideways on Sophie’s bed, my chest heaving.
“Holy shit.” I hadn’t come that hard since I don’t know when. A very long time.
“Wow,” Sophie breathed. “That was incredible.”
“Thank you,” I gasped and then pushed myself upright with my noodle arms. My brain wasn’t going to come back on line for a little bit.
“Would you… I mean, would it bother you if I came again? It’s just that I usually go at least three rounds.”