Page 124 of Tiny Fractures
“I thought my attacking you was a clear indication of how much I love it,” I say, returning his smile.
“I guess I’m kind of slow when it comes to these things. Maybe you need to kiss me like that a little while longer to really get the message across?” he says, his smile turning into a playful grin.
“Hmm, you don’t strike me as slow at all, sweet boy,” I tease him, but give in to him and kiss him again. I finally sit up, and his hands slide down my back before coming to rest on my hips. I can feel him hard, pressing between my legs.
“So, what are we doing today?” I ask Ronan, enjoying the feeling of him underneath me, and the tiny jolts of electricity that zap through my body whenever his hardness presses against my sensitive flesh.
“How about we stay right here and keep doing what we’re doing?”
“Sounds enticing,” I say, making a face like I’m contemplating this option. “But I’m sure someone is going to walk in on us because, let’s face it, we don’t have the best luck when it comes to these things. Best reserve these moments for when we’re alone, don’t you think?”
“Yeah, except we don’t have any luck then, either. How many times has a phone call interrupted us?”
I make a face because he has a point. “True. But still, we should get back out there, don’t you think?”
“If that’s what you want,” he sighs, but his voice is light, and he sits up and scoops me into his arms unexpectedly, making me squeal with laughter when he throws me over his shoulder like I weigh nothing at all. I can feel him adjust himself in his jeans before he marches out to the deck and back down to the beach, giving my butt a smack while he carries me down the flights of stairs, and I laugh.
“Okay, so when are you taking me skating again?” I ask as he trudges through the soft sand with me over his shoulder.
“Whenever you want,” he says.
“How about next weekend?”
“It’s a date,” he says, and carefully sets me back down, my feet touching the sand and sinking into the soft surface.
“I love dates with you,” I say, and tip my head up to plant a soft kiss on his cheek.
“Me, too.”
The guys start a small fire in the fire pit, we eat, and eventually the booze comes out. It doesn’t take long for Vada and Tori to start doing tequila shots, and Vada takes Steve’s hand, licks the back of it, and sprinkles some salt on his skin. Then she licks it, takes her shot of tequila, and chases it with a lime. Steve doesn’t seem to mind at all, and he grabs her and pulls her onto his lap before the two start a make-out session so steamy that Shane orders them to either go up to the house and take care of business or rein it in. Steve and Vada opt for option number one, and I don’t know why, but I blush violently when Steve scoops Vada up, her legs lacing around his waist, and then takes her up to the house.
Ronan stands up from his spot in the sand, grabs my hand, and pulls me to a stand. “You look all hot and bothered by them,” he says with a grin. “I think you need to cool off.”
I give him a confused look, but before I can say anything, Ronan picks me up and jogs toward the ocean with me.
“Don’t you dare, Ran! Don’t you dare!” I scream, wiggling in his arms, trying to get him to drop me.
But he does dare, and he walks us both into the ocean, fully dressed. My jeans and tank top cling to my body, my shoes are soaked, and my wet hair hangs over my back.
“I can’t believe you did that!” I say, deciding if I want to be mad or not. But with one look at his shirt perfectly stuck to him, showing every ridge of his muscular chest and stomach, drops of water beading down his face where I splashed him, I decide that, actually, I’m not mad at him. “What am I supposed to wear for the rest of the evening?” I lament as he pulls me into his arms.
“How about nothing?” he says, his voice a mix of playfulness and need.
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“I would absolutely like that,” he says, and kisses me softly. I can taste the salt on his lips. “You don’t understand how fucking hot you look right now, wet like that,” he mutters against my lips before his tongue dives into my mouth and his hands slide under my wet shirt, heating my chilled skin.
“If the way you look right now is any hint, then it must be pretty damn hot,” I say.
He chuckles. “Maybe getting you wet wasn’t such a great way to cool down after all,” he breathes. “Because I’m getting all hot and bothered right now. We better put a stop to this.”
“My sister Lauren’s room is the third door to the right of the bathroom,” Shane says to me, laughing when he sees us trudge up the shore soaking wet. “Just grab something from her closet. The dryer is in the laundry room. You guys can just throw your stuff in there really quick. Ran, you already know where all my stuff is.”
After Ronan and I make our way up to the house, I make a beeline for the bathroom, where I grab us a couple of towels, then walk into Lauren’s room. I lock the door behind me before I strip down, discarding my dripping clothes on the tiled floor. I dry off thoroughly, then wrap the towel around my head and open Lauren’s closet. I pull out a cute black t-shirt and a pair of workout leggings. I’m not about to borrow some of Lauren’s underwear, so I decide to slip on the pants and shirt without anything underneath. I’ll just have to go commando, I guess.
Ronan is waiting for me outside Lauren’s room. We match perfectly, with Ronan having changed into a pair of black workout shorts and a black t-shirt he borrowed from Shane. His eyes roam my body, lingering on my chest, and I’m sure he can tell I’m not wearing anything underneath because a wicked grin spreads across his face before he takes my wet clothes out of my hands. I follow him to the laundry room where he places our soaked garments into the dryer.
“You look good,” he says, smiling at me.