Page 57 of Tiny Fractures
“Oh please, as if you and Summer don’t enjoy a good PDA session.” Vada lets go of Steve to grab a drink. “Probably the only one here who isn’t hooking up regularly is you.” Vada spins around and points her index finger squarely at my chest. “Well, at least not with the same girl,” she adds disapprovingly.
Here we go again.
“Yeah, we need to change that,” Shane chimes in.
I raise my eyebrows. “We do?”
“Oh yeah,” Vada says again, moving past me to hand Steve a beer. “And I have the perfect person in mind.”
“And who would that be?” I ask, genuinely interested, though I have a suspicion whose name she’ll drop.
“Cat,” she says matter-of-factly.
Ding, ding, ding. My heart skips a beat at the mention of Cat’s name.
“I’ve seen you look at her, Ran,” Vada says. “And I know you’d like her. She’s super sweet and really hot, as you know.”
I haven’t told a soul about Cat and me with the exception of telling Shane that I was starting to develop feelings for her, and this little conversation is getting fun.
“I feel like you’re trying to pimp me out, Vada,” I say, and the guys bust up laughing.
“Oh please, as if you need any help pimping yourself out, Mr. Hooks-Up-With-a-Different-Chick-Every-Damn-Weekend,” she says with an eye roll.
“Hey, it’s been like three weekends,” I joke.
Vada huffs. “What a world record. How can you possibly manage without nailing some new girl for so long? But come on,” Vada continues seriously, “Cat is awesome. All you need to do is ask her out.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying,” Shane says loudly from behind me. “I think she’d be good for him.”
There is a general affirmative tone in the room as the guys, Tori, and Summer nod in agreement. I spot Cheyenne out of the corner of my eye, and she does not look amused by all of this.
“Oh, and I didn’t even tell you the best part,” Vada interrupts, then hesitates. “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but if it means you’ll ask Cat on a date, I have to.”
I laugh at her attempt to convince herself to tell me whatever it is that’s on her mind. “Now I’m curious. What is it about Cat that makes you think I should go out with her?”
“Well, she’s… gosh, I really shouldn’t say anything,” she wavers.
“Nah, you gotta finish what you started,” Zack eggs her on.
Vada hesitates for a second longer. “Cat’s… she’s a virgin,” Vada says, catching me completely off-guard.
My head snaps up. I hadn’t really thought about whether Cat had any experience, and quite honestly, it doesn’t matter to me, but the fact that she hasn’t had sex makes me want to be that much more careful with her. I immediately feel even more protective of her.
“Fucking shit, babe,” Steve laughs. “Way to drop a freaking bomb like that,” he says while Shane coughs violently after choking on his drink.
“Wait, all guys like virgins, right?” she asks, looking from me to Steve to Shane. “Right?”
“Why do you say that?” Shane asks earnestly.
“Am I wrong? I thought guys like the idea of being, you know, the first and all.” Vada seems uncomfortable now.
I laugh at her. “Whatever you say, Vada.” I shrug and walk into the kitchen to grab some food.
“So, are you going to ask her out?” she yells after me.
I laugh again, not providing her with an answer. She’ll find out soon enough.