Page 20 of Peer & Coco
"I swear, when Marcus yelled, I was ready to run out the front door with the customers." Monica dragged in a deep breath, snuffing her amusement. "God, what a rough night. I am so glad the bar is closed for the next two days. My feet are swollen. I'm going to have Joel rub them until I fall asleep. I might not even get out of bed until it's time to work Tuesday night."
"I bet Peer will rub your feet, too, Coco," said Heather from behind her.
"What?" She laughed, looking over her shoulder. "I don't think that's part of our rental agreement."
"I bet if you asked him real sweet..." Heather stepped around her. "You had to have seen the way he's been looking at you."
"What are you talking about?"
"Mm-hm." Monica raised her brows. "Girl, that guy's got you stripped naked and tied up in his head."
"Maybe something has already happened between them." Dinah closed her locker and wiggled her brows. "Truth be told, it was only a matter of time before you two hooked up. You can't put two people of the opposite sex in the same house and expect them not to—"
"Oh, come on, you guys." Coco rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. "Nothing has happened or will be happening."
"Right," muttered Heather. "We'll see."
"We won't see." She shook her finger at each of them. "Go home. You're delusional. I'll see you guys on Tuesday."
She walked out of the breakroom, shaking her head. Part of her wished Peer was attracted to her. It would make the feelings she had toward him feel more rational. As it was, half the time, she thought she'd explode with wanting him and the other half, she felt like she was going crazy.
All the talk tonight was because they were all exhausted. They were reading more into the situation than was necessary. Peer had a lot going on. Things that he'd only told her. The others were clueless about the stress he was under. It was normal to act a little crazy when he felt like his world was falling apart.
She pushed out the back door and stepped into the alley. Going right to her car, she slid behind the steering wheel and adjusted the seat to lay down.
The seat came to a sudden stop halfway down, and she groaned. She'd forgotten that Tyr's car seat was behind her in the backseat.
Silence surrounded her. She closed her eyes, trying to slow her rapid breathing. Her heart continued to beat wildly, whether from the busy night or the other women teasing her about Peer, she couldn't tell.
No one knew how she felt about Peer. She hadn't even told Lizzy, who she trusted completely.
She just wanted to enjoy her attraction to him in private and not complicate things. If they weren't living together, she would probably have a chance to act on her feelings and walk away afterward while keeping a friendly co-worker's relationship. But he had Tyr to think about, and she lived under his nose. It would be awkward.
It was going to be hard enough if Peer follows through with his plans and moves to Norway to keep Tyr away from Kelli. She'd mourn...everything.
The back door of the vehicle opened. She jolted, moving the seat forward.
"Did you fall asleep already?" asked Peer, putting the harness over Tyr's head.
She watched him in the rearview mirror. "No, just trying to simmer down. I feel like I've run a marathon."
He finished securing Tyr. "Let's get you home, and you can go to bed."
She wasn't sure if he was talking to Tyr or her, but her stomach warmed imagining him taking her to bed. He could tuck her in and —
The door shut.
She shook off the thought and started the engine. Glancing in the mirror, she smiled. The little guy in the backseat solemnly looked around.
"Are you going to keep me company on the ride home?" She drove through the alley and pulled up to the gate.
Tyr gave her no answer. It was okay. She was happy knowing he listened.
Following Peer, she drove out to the main road. "Did you have a good night?"
She drove through the intersection. The late hour meant they were the only two on the street at the moment.
"Want to hear something?" She glanced in the mirror before putting her attention on Peer in front of her. "Your pappa is a good man. He's the best man in the world. You might not know it right now, but someday you will."