Page 23 of Peer & Coco
He lowered his head and captured her mouth, swallowing her soft gasp of surprise. She consumed him in a heartbeat.
She wrapped her arms around his waist. He cradled her head, holding her close, and tempted her soft, full lips.
He deepened the kiss. Touching and tasting her was better than he'd imagined.
He pulled his mouth off her and went back in. Moving his other hand to her lower back, he brought her closer, molding her against the front of him. Her slim body fit perfectly.
Coco tapped his side. He moved his head, sliding his tongue against hers. She groaned, and that's when he felt the pressure of her arms pushing, trying to move away.
He lifted his head.
She panted. "The door. Someone's knocking."
He stiffened and looked over his shoulder as if he could see outside. Tangled up in Coco, he hadn't heard anything. He'd lost his damn head.
"Don't move." He rearranged his cock and walked to the window.
Expecting a Slag member, he stared outside, trying to understand why Kelli was on the other side of the door and how she found out where he was living. If she'd gone to the gate, trying to get entrance to the clubhouse or asked for him, nobody there would give her the address of the rental house.
"Fuck," he muttered.
"What's wrong?" whispered Coco.
He let the blind fall closed. "It's Kelli."
"Oh." She stepped away and turned, heading toward the hallway.
He wanted to call her back and tell her to stay with him. He wasn't finished doing what he started. His plans for the night included her in his bed.
Another knock came, zapping all the good feelings from him. He turned the lock and opened the door.
Kelli straightened, clutching her hands in front of her. He swept his gaze over her. She'd changed in the eighteen months since he'd seen her last. Her hips were wider. Her breasts were bigger. Yet, there was a gauntness in her face as if she'd lost weight.
She'd always been a pretty girl with a round, youthful face, but he'd lost his attraction to her a long time ago when she started trying to manipulate him by playing an emotional game.
"Can I speak with you?" asked Kelli.
Her soft voice failed to put him at ease. He'd been the subject of her mood swings many times. She had the ability to make him forget that her temper could get the better of her.
"No." He stayed in the doorway. "You've made your choices."
Far as he cared, she'd walked away from Tyr. That act was unforgivable.
His son was too young to look out for himself, and he'd do everything in his power to protect him from ever experiencing the hurt his mother had the capability of causing.
"Peer." She raised her clutched hands to her chest. "Can I explain why—"
"Not interested." He stepped forward onto the step and closed the door behind him, not wanting to wake Tyr. "How the hell did you find out where I live?"
"I...I followed you from the clubhouse. I wanted to talk to you." She dropped her arms to her sides. "Can I see our son?"
"Our son?" A bitter taste entered his mouth. "You did nothing for our son. All you could do was think about yourself. You never put him first in your life. You never gave me a second thought after dumping him at the gate. You gave him to me with no name, no medical information, no instructions. I'll be damned if I let you try and upset his life again when I'm doing everything in my power to provide a home for him and some kind of normalcy where he can thrive and have a halfway decent chance at growing up knowing he is loved. So, take yourself away and stay the fuck out of our lives."
Tears rolled down Kelli's cheeks. He hardened himself against her emotional outburst. The fake tears and overexaggerated hurt was nothing new. She could turn them on and off at will.
"Please? Can I see him?" Kelli shook. "Just to look?"
His body hardened. What else would she ask for?