Page 42 of Peer & Coco
She brought comfort and calmness to his heart. When she wasn't giving of herself, she met him head to head with sarcasm, wit, and challenges. He had no idea what she'd hit him with next and looked forward to the surprises. One thing he never had to worry about was her loyalty and truth.
Coco turned from hanging up the piece of paper and found him looking at her. A smile warmed her face, and she came to him behind the counter.
"Smile, mister. You look grumpy." She stretched and kissed his cheek and then looked at Roar. "Hey, you. I thought you'd be home since it's your sister's last night with you and Lizzy."
"I'm escorting her and my brother in law to Seattle tomorrow. Lizzy's going with. We'll have dinner with my parents and then be back late." Roar tugged on his braid. "That's why I came in tonight. Lizzy wanted to make sure you knew. She said something about you and her having plans, and she needs to cancel."
Coco wiggled her head side to side nonchalantly. "They were tentative plans. She wasn't sure when your sister was leaving when we talked earlier this week. No biggy. We can reschedule, plus she'll have more fun going to visit your family. We were only going to get pedicures while Hanne napped."
Roar tipped back the rest of his drink, wiped his forearm across his mouth, and stood from the stool. "Call if you need anything. Brage will be around tomorrow for everyone."
"Ride safe, Prez." Peer turned to talk with Coco, but she'd gone out onto the floor to help the customers.
Dinah slid an empty tray along the counter. He caught it and put it on the stack.
"Do you want me to tend the register?" Dinah cocked her head in the other direction. "I've got time."
He cleared his throat, taken out of his head and put back into tending the bar. "I got it."
Spending the next half hour satisfying the demand of the customers, he watched the clock, wanting the time at work to go faster.
"I'm going on break." Coco pointed to the hallway door. "Come get me if the bar goes crazy."
"Take your time." He held the mug under the tap, watching her walk out of the room.
Beer flowed over the rim onto his hand. He dumped the contents, wiped his hand off on the towel, and started over. What he wanted to do was stick his head under the damn stream and drink his body weight in beer. Maybe then he'd be able to stop his mind from working overtime and dwelling on losing Coco if he moved away.