Page 65 of Peer & Coco
Chapter 26
Aron pointed to thecouch. "Does that go out?"
Coco lifted the cardboard box off the counter of the kitchen. "No, none of the furniture is mine. It''s Peer's. Just the stuff in the bedroom. I'll get the other things from the rest of the house."
Rune came out of the hallway carrying her clothes still on the hangers. She swallowed over the lump growing in her throat. When she'd moved in, she brought so little but removing her possessions made the house seem empty despite the furniture and toys scattered about the room.
Not letting herself breakdown, she carried the box outside and put it in the front seat of her car. The guys helping her had driven the Slag truck over and put the other items in there.
She wanted to move out in one trip while Peer was gone.
A clean breakup would be easier on everyone, especially the baby. Even doing things calmly and fast seemed wrong and more painful than anything she'd ever experienced.
She wasn't only leaving Peer, but Tyr. And, that little boy owned the other half of her heart.
Leaving her car door open, she trudged back into the house to pick up another box. She planned to store everything, plus her queen-size bed, dresser, and desk in Roar and Lizzy's garage until she found another place to live.
Staying with them was temporary. It would take time to find a small place she could afford on her own. The wages and tips at The Fire Ring were good, she wouldn’t have to have a roommate or be picky. For that, she was grateful.
She loved her job, and when Peer and Tyr moved to Norway, she wouldn't have to see him every day. The pain would ease, the days and nights would get easier. That was the way of life changes. She knew deep in her heart she'd be okay eventually, but right now, the pain tried to convince her she'd hurt for the rest of her life.
Going into the bathroom, she opened the cabinets and tossed her hair supplies in the box. The first thing she was going to do was chop her hair off and dye her bangs purple. She'd go back to enjoying the crazy styles of her past. What a fool she'd been trying to grow it out and being reluctant to dye it because Peer made one comment how he liked her hair natural.
"The room is cleared," yelled Rune.
"Okay." She hurried to grab the rest of her things and pick out the towels that belonged to her.
Lugging the box out to the living room, she moved to hand it to Aron when she realized the guy in the black, leather vest in front of her who refused to take her belongings was Peer.
Shocked that he was there when he was scheduled to work at The Fire Ring, she blurted, "What are you doing here?"
"It's my house." His gaze intensified. "What the fuck are you doing?"
Taken aback by his anger when it was her right to be bitter about what he was doing to them, she said, "Moving out."
"Don't." His mouth hardened. "Don't do this to us."
"Me?" She set the box on the floor between them.
Her heart thrummed inside her. All the calmness and acceptance she'd forced on herself escaped in a rage of anger.
"You're leaving me." She shook. "Don't put this on me. I love you. I love Tyr. There was not one thing I wouldn't have done for either of you, and you won't let me into your life. You made plans to go to Norway without warning me that all your talk about hiding away was real. I had to hear the truth come out of your mouth when you were selfish and drunk."
"I was going to—"
"Don't tell me you were going to write me a letter or call me on the phone when you got there." Her eyes burned with unshed tears. "I don't want just a little of you here and there or a picture of Tyr on his next birthday and when he turns into a teenager or when he graduates high school. You can't do that to me."
"I wasn't going to." He grabbed her upper arms, keeping her in front of him. "I was going to ask you to come with us. I want you in Norway with me. I don't want to take anything from you, but I know I'm asking you to give up everything for me. If you want to call me selfish for not letting you go, go ahead. It doesn't change the fact that I don't want to lose you. I won't. So, if you're packing your things, I'll pack our stuff, and we can go now cause I don't plan on letting you get away."
"Are you lying?" She held her breath, trying to keep up with what he was telling her.
"Nei, Coco. I'm not leaving you behind." He held her head.
His rough breathed fanned her face. She found herself panting. Gazes locked, his declaration ran over and over in her head.
"You're not leaving me behind?" she whispered.
He kissed her softly. "I love you."