Page 8 of Peer & Coco
"I agree with you," she said softly, consumed by the comfort a baby could bring to her life.
"He's all set. I'll follow you home." Peer shut the door.
She watched his long legs stride away to his motorcycle. He'd already taken his blond hair out of the strap of leather he used to tie it back during work. A sign that he was frustrated.
She'd seen that mood at home when pressure got too much for him raising a baby by himself. Some days, he walked around with his below the shoulder hair wild looking and his beard undone from its usual braid.
The look was totally hot, but the level of disarray warned her something was wrong.
Had he talked with someone else inside the clubhouse? Was he only being quiet around her?
Her head pounded, and she started the car. Men were weird. If they weren't having sex with a woman—and Peer definitely wasn't having sex with her—they distanced themselves from getting involved or making small talk.
She had no right to feel left out of his life.
She'd gone through the same loneliness when Roar moved in with Lizzy and her—back when she still lived across from the bar. The change of having three people living in one house rather than two was expected and yet irrational. She wanted the best for Lizzy, but she couldn't help how she had suddenly found herself without her best friend, her confidante, her partner in crime.
Peer pulled out in front of her. She crept forward, watching out for the bikers standing in the alley, and followed him through the gate out to the street. It was ironic that she developed feelings for Peer when they had no emotional investment in their living situation.
At the traffic light, she glanced in the rearview mirror. Tyr rubbed his eyes with balled-up fists.
It would take no time for him to go to bed once they reached the house if he hadn't already succumbed to sleep from the car ride.
Luck was on her side when she shut off the engine in the driveway of the one-story rental house. Peer worked at getting Tyr out of the car seat without waking him while she walked up to the house and used her key to unlock the door.
Stepping out of the way for Peer carrying his son, she locked up the house and went straight to her bedroom, thankful Peer gave her the master suite with the bathroom so she wouldn't bother him and Tyr.
Taking a quick shower to wash away the night of working in the bar, she pulled on her cotton nightshirt, needing the comfort tonight.
Not bothering with turning on a light, she walked into the bedroom and crawled into bed. A sigh escaped her, and she snuggled the extra pillow to her chest.
Her body remained tense. She rolled over, pressing her head into the pillow and drawing her knees up to the make-shift bundle she clutched to her chest. Even her thoughts worked against her, keeping her from relaxing.
A soft knock opened her eyes. She stilled, listening when another knock came.
Throwing off the comforter, she walked across the room and opened the door, finding Peer in the hallway.
"Is Tyr okay?" she asked, concerned with the sternness on Peer's mouth, partially hidden in his blond beard.
Peer dropped his gaze. Aware that the material of her nightshirt barely covered her ass, she pulled the door in front of her, using it to cover her lower half.
"He's good." He looked her in the eyes. "I'll be gone on Sunday. I wanted to check with you to see if you wanted to watch Tyr or if I should take him to the clubhouse."
"Will you be back on Monday?" She, like him, only had Sunday and Monday off each week. "I've got a hair appointment at nine o'clock."
He dipped his chin, his gaze intensified. "You don't need to cut your hair."
She reached up and tugged the strands touching the back of her neck. Because of her schedule, she hadn't gone to her stylist in almost eight weeks. Her bi-leveled look appeared more like a shaggy pixie lately.
"It's what I do." She shrugged, changing the topic. "I'll watch Tyr. I'll see if Lizzy wants to bring Hanne over or I'll take him there. We'll have fun."
She licked her lips when she caught him watching her mouth. Not only wasn't she dressed but she'd washed all her make-up off in the shower. Aware that she looked younger and less appealing stripped of her eyeliner, lipstick, and flat hair, she lifted her chin, refusing to be embarrassed.
She'd spent too many hours learning how to apply make-up, do her hair, and dress right for anyone to tell her she was unappealing and nobody would want her when she was au naturel.
"Thanks." He stepped away, stopped, and said, "Keep a good eye on Tyr when I'm gone."
"Of course."
He frowned. "I know you will."
He hesitated in the hallway. She waited for him to say more and give her a glimpse of what was going on inside his head, but he only nodded and walked into his bedroom, leaving the door open.
She softly shut the door and went back to bed, seeking the comfort of her pillow.
Sleep finally came to her early in the morning.