Page 82 of Peer & Coco
Chapter 34
Lizzy put Hanne onher tummy in the playpen and turned to face Coco. "When were you going to tell me?"
On the floor, Coco handed Tyr another block. "Everything has been so crazy. I was trying to find the right time. I only told my mom last night and because of her schedule and mine, I won't even be able to see her before I leave."
"You leave in fifteen days." Lizzy sat on the floor across from her, keeping Tyr in the middle so he wouldn't go over and wake the baby. "How am I going to live without you?"
"That's dramatic." She tried to lighten the mood.
"I'm serious. You're my girl." She stuck out her lower lip. "I can't even think about what it'll be like every time I want to tell you something, and you're not here."
"You can call or text. I think." She frowned, adding another thing to add to the list of questions she needed to ask Peer.
Lizzy snatched Tyr from his spot and cuddled him on her lap. "And I'm going to miss this big guy. He'll grow up and won't even remember me."
Coco wiped her cheek of the tear that slipped out. "Stop it."
"I'm going to tell Roar to order Peer from leaving."
She rolled her eyes. It wasn't as if she hadn't thought of that. Every time she freaked out about moving, she tried to come up with reasons why they couldn't. But eventually, her desire to go to the ends of the earth with Peer won out, and she found herself excited to share his home country with him.
The front door opened and Roar strode in. Lizzy held her finger to her lips, and he shut the door quietly and came over and kissed her.
Coco watched the obvious love between them. It made her heart happy to know that Roar would be here for Lizzy after she moved. That while Lizzy would miss her, someone more important would be by her side.
"Did you know Peer and Coco are moving to Norway?" asked Lizzy.
"Ja." He glanced at Coco. "It wasn't my business to share."
Lizzy groaned. "It doesn't count when it involves Coco."
"They'll be fine. You're not losing her." He straightened and walked out of the room.
Lizzy studied her. After several seconds, she said, "Okay, I'm not going to talk about it anymore. You have fifteen days, and I want five of those days. You'll go where I take you, do what I tell you, and spend every second with me."
She laughed quietly, glad to have Lizzy go in a different direction with the conversation.
Tyr crawled off Lizzy's lap and went back to the toys on the floor. Coming here kept her mind off of Peer and what he was doing. Early that morning, he'd decided to go to where Kelli was staying and ask her to come to the house and talk.
He wanted to have the conversation at the house because apparently a Bantorus Motorcycle Club member owned the rental Kelli lived in.
She wasn't too stuck-up to admit she was jealous, but more than that, she was scared. Kelli was Tyr's mom.
While she hadn't given birth to Tyr, she'd been there from the beginning. She feared losing her sweet face.
"Hey." Lizzy leaned forward. "What's wrong?"
"Peer's talking to Kelli," she whispered.
Lizzy's gaze softened. "About Norway?"
She shook her head. "No. Maybe. I don't know. He wasn't going to tell her, but he could've changed his mind. He's been quiet the last two days, and with work, I haven't had a chance to talk things over with him. But, I think it has more to do with figuring out what to do. She is Tyr's mother."
Tyr pushed himself to his feet and made an attempt to go to the playpen. Coco hooked his waist, bringing him back.
"Are you feeling left out?" asked Lizzy.
She nodded and shrugged. "It is what it is, you know? I knew he and Kelli had a child together when I moved in with him."